2025 Animal Sciences Academic Quadrathlon
Students, faculty, and staff gathered at the K-State Alumni Center last Thursday evening for the final events, meal, and presentation of awards for the 2025 Animal Sciences Academic Quadrathlon. Thank you to the continued generosity of Joseph Ebert, who is the event sponsor and has been a Spokesman for the event for more than 20 years. Thirteen teams totaling 51 students competed.
“0% Vegan”, consisting of Katrina Turner, Elaine Cockroft, August Hulse, and Hayden Lott, was the champion overall team and will represent K-State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon competition in Omaha, Nebraska, March 9-12, 2025.
Event photos can be found at: Academic Quadrathlon Photos.
Champion 2025 K-State Animal Sciences Academic Quadrathlon Team
L to R: Mr. Joe Ebert, sponsor; Champion AQ Team “0% Vegan” – “0% Vegan.” Team members are Katrina Turner, Elaine Cockroft, August Hulse and Hayden Lott.
- 0% Vegan (Katrina Turner, Elaine Cockroft, Hayden Lott, and August Hulse)
- Concentrated on Gradients…ding! (Carson Corwin, Ethan Christy, Tom Koontz, and Logan Mitchell)
- Animal Sciences Anonymous (Callahan Riewald, Abbi Mahurin, Molly Brown, and Layne Johnson)
- G’s Presidential Cabinet (Bevan Gradig, Kit Farren, Cheyenne Higbie, Lauren Potter)
- Cows by 90 (Emma Brewer, Meghan Garren, Zoe Sullivan, and Sadie Arnold)
Written Exam
- 0% Vegan (Katrina Turner, Elaine Cockroft, Hayden Lott, and August Hulse)
- Concentrated on Gradients…ding! (Carson Corwin, Ethan Christy, Tom Koontz, and Logan Mitchell)
- COWabunga (Channing Cannon-Lass, Michaela Clark-Stapel, Marwah Aql, and Emma Burmaster)
Lab Practical
- 0% Vegan (Katrina Turner, Elaine Cockroft, Hayden Lott, and August Hulse)
- Concentrated on Gradients…ding! (Carson Corwin, Ethan Christy, Tom Koontz, and Logan Mitchell)
- Animal Sciences Anonymous (Callahan Riewald, Abbi Mahurin, Molly Brown, and Layne Johnson)
Oral Presentation
- Concentrated on Gradients…ding! (Carson Corwin, Ethan Christy, Tom Koontz, and Logan Mitchell)
- Animal Sciences Anonymous (Callahan Riewald, Abbi Mahurin, Molly Brown, and Layne Johnson)
- Cows by 90 (Emma Brewer, Meghan Garren, Zoe Sullivan, and Sadie Arnold)
Quiz Bowl
- 0% Vegan (Katrina Turner, Elaine Cockroft, Hayden Lott, and August Hulse)
- Concentrated on Gradients…ding! (Carson Corwin, Ethan Christy, Tom Koontz, and Logan Mitchell)
- G’s Presidential Cabinet (Bevan Gradig, Kit Farran, Cheyenne Higbie, Lauren Potter)
Special thanks as well to event chairs Dr. Nicholas Dias, Dr. Tim Rozell, and Dr. David Grieger as well as Dr. Jessie Vipham, IT support from Tim Carson, special assistance from graduate students Dani Stock, Elizabeth Dressler, Lauren Frink, Linnea Rimmer, Sidney Munk, Chanae Parker, and Cassia Gruis and past AQ champions Sierra Collier, Sydney Rohlman, Macie Weigand as well as the many, many faculty, staff, and graduate students who managed lab practicum stations, served as first-round oral presentation judges, graded the written exam, and helped organize and run the event in various ways. Your time and work toward making the AQ a success for our students is valued.
Thanks also to guest oral presentation judges at “Finals Night” Mr. Joe Ebert (event sponsor), as well as LMIC Board members and spouses Craig and Amy Good, Lori Fink, Justin Janssen, and Mary Janssen.
– Morgan Zumbaugh, Academic Quadrathlon Coordinator