DAIRY FOODS PROCESSING & INNOVATION FACULTY POSITION: The department is interviewing two finalists for a Dairy Foods Processing & Innovation faculty position. Visit asi.k-state.edu/dairyfoodsandprocesssing/ to review CVs, watch recorded seminars and to fill out the post interview survey.
ANIMAL SCIENCE EVENT CENTER GROUNDBREAKING: We hope to see you Friday, December 15 at 11:30 a.m. for the Animal Science Event Center Groundbreaking ceremony on at the Stanley Stout Center.
We encourage all ASI faculty and staff to join us for this exciting event kicking off the construction of the new Animal Science Arena. Please RSVP at: ksufoundation.org/rsvp/agarena.
ASI HOLIDAY PARTY IS THURSDAY: Don’t forget to join us for the annual ASI Holiday/Christmas Party on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at the Stanley Stout Center from 3 – 5 p.m. Come enjoy good food, games and friends.
Dr. Janice Swanson is officially retiring at the end of this year. Swanson was a long-time KSU ASI faculty member and then department head. You can email her at SWANSOJ@msu.edu or you can mail a note of congratulations to: Dr. Janice Swanson, 1290 Anthony Hall, 474 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824
None at this time.
- Meat Science Seminar
- None scheduled at this time
- Monogastric Nutrition Seminar
- None scheduled at this time
- Ruminant Nutrition, Growth, and Management Seminar
- None scheduled at this time
- Physiology and Animal Breeding Seminars
- None scheduled at this time
- Casey Allen – December 15
If you’d like your birthday added to the list, please email Stacey Chard at schard@ksu.edu.
- Texas Tech University Department of Animal and Food Sciences in the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is seeking a full-time, 9-month tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor of nutrition with expertise in microbial ecology. More information.
- USMARC is seeking three postdocs. The first position is supervised by Brittney Keel in Clay Center, Nebraska. The focus of the project is the development of online warning systems to detect animals in need of management intervention. Requirements for the position are a Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics, computer science, animal science, genetics, or some similar field. The person just needs to have a strong computational background and willingness to learn. Applicants for this position must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. For more information, contact Keel at brittney.keel@usda.gov
The other two positions are part of a large-scale ARS project called the “Grand Challenge on Integrated Food Safety Solutions for Salmonella”. Here we are looking for individuals with computational experience to assist in an array of data analyses to support ongoing microbiological and ecological research. No expertise in microbiology or food safety is necessary. These two positions will be co-supervised by myself and Dr. Shawn Bearson (USDA, ARS, National Animal Disease Center) and Dr. Michael Rothrock Jr. (USDA, ARS, U.S. National Poultry Research Center). These positions have some flexibility in location in that they can be fully remote or located in-person in Athens, GA, Ames, IA, or Clay Center, NE. More details on these two positions can be found at: https://www.zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/USDA-ARS-SCINet-2023-0454
- North Carolina State University is searching for a Mountain Livestock Specialist who will serve in a professional faculty role at the rank of Extension Assistant Professor, and will be expected to develop an extension program designed to enhance livestock production including practices that improve production efficiency while adding value to cattle and small ruminant operations (as well as other livestock species in pasture-based production systems). More information
- Miner Institute is seeking a full-time research scientist to join its team and contribute to its dairy cattle nutrition and management research and education programs. More information
- Utah State University Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences at (USU) is seeking applicants for a 12-month (fiscal year) tenure-track faculty position in Food Animal Production that will contribute to the Extension (70%), Teaching (25%), and Service (5%) missions of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (CAAS) at USU. More information
- School of Animal Sciences at Virginia Tech is recruiting three outstanding scholars to joint its doctoral program as USDA National Needs Fellows – More information
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Beef Cattle Management – Utah State University – Learn more here.
- Purdue University, Department Head – Learn more here.
- North Dakota State University, Extension Livestock Management Specialist North Central Research Extension Center – Learn more here.
- University of Georgia, Associate Dean for Extension position in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – For more information contact maria.thompson@academicsearch.org.