2024 CATTLE INDUSTRY CONVENTION & NCBA TRADE SHOW: The 2024 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show was in Orlando, Florida, Jan. 31 to Feb. 2. The Department of Animal Sciences and Industry had a booth in cooperation with K-State Master of Agribusiness, Kansas Department of Agriculture, Beef Improvement Federation, U.S. CattleTrace and Beef Cattle Institute.
KSU ASI HEADLINES: For highlights from December and January, visit the K-State Department of Animal Sciences and Industry Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ksuasi or YouTube at https://youtu.be/099NOd42HKo.
UPCOMING DEFENSE: Olivia Harrison will be defending her PhD titled “Mitigation of swine pathogens in feed and feed manufacturing systems” on Friday, February 9 at 8:30 am in Weber 146.
Zoom link: https://ksu.zoom.us/j/93664878824?pwd=TzE2U3lFdFNjNFNJbTh5MWhSZTNKUT09 Passcode: 381581
- Meat Science Seminar
- Monday, February 5 at 3:30 pm.
- Monogastric Nutrition Seminar
- Katelyn Gaffield, “Impact of amino acids in modulating muscle growth and development in swine” – Monday, February 26 at 1:30 p.m. in Weber 146
- Ruminant Nutrition, Growth, and Management Seminar
- Harleigh Johnson, “Extending color display life of meat through dietary supplementation of vitamin E ” – Monday, February 26 at 4:30 p.m. in Call 205
- Physiology and Animal Breeding Seminars
- None scheduled at this time
- Kathy Huber – February 7
- Blake Allender – February 12
- Karen Blakeslee – February 16
- Duane Baughman – February 18
If you’d like your birthday added to the list, please email Stacey Chard at schard@ksu.edu.
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Animal Nutrition – (60% Teaching, 40% Research). To apply, go to https://careers.k-state.edu/cw/en-us/job/516477/assistantassociate-professor-animal-nutrition
- Assistant/Associate Professor, Sustainable Small Ruminant Production – (60% Extension, 25% Research, 15% Teaching). To apply, go to https://careers.k-state.edu/cw/en-us/job/516476/assistantassociate-professor-sustainable-small-ruminant-production
- Assistant/Associate Professor, Sustainable Fresh Meat Industry – (60% Extension, 40% Research). To apply, go to https://careers.k-state.edu/cw/en-us/job/516491/assistantassociate-professor-sustainable-fresh-meat-industry
- Research Assistant position at Beef Cattle Research Center – To apply, go to https://careers.k-state.edu/cw/en-us/job/516431/research-assistant
- Assistant/Associate Professor, Dairy Foods Processing and Innovation – To apply, go to https://careers.k-state.edu/cw/en-us/job/515982/assistant-or-associate-professor
- Cornell University Beef Production and Management Extension Associate (academic, non-tenure track). More information.
- Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences Dean. More information.
- University of Georgia Assistant/Associate Professor of Poultry Processing, Products, and Safety. More information.
- University of Hawai’i at Manoa Junior/Assistant Extension Agent (Livestock Kauai County). More information.