Kansas State University hosted a groundbreaking on May 17 for the Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation. The new building – estimated for completion in Fall 2026 – will connect Weber and Call, which also will undergo renovations.
It will also bring faculty and staff from the departments of animal science – including food science — and grain science together, allowing them to work side-by-side on more projects. Renovations to Weber and Call Hall – will include an updated meat lab, a learning pavilion, upgraded classrooms, student collaboration space, a renovated dairy processing plant and modern research labs.
Thank you to K-State ASI Mentors Lauren Thompson, Samantha Schwindt, Korben Clawson and Kaylynn Vogts along with K-State ASI graduate students Elizabeth Dressler and Danielle Stock, and Youth Livestock Intern Peyton Piepho for their help setting up and hosting the event.
View photos of the event here.