Kansas State University


KSU ASI Weekly Update

Eldon Gideon – Block & Bridle Honorary Member

View more photos of the event here.

Pictured above: Front row: Kara Riffel, Cassie Jones, Allison Davis, Reece Geer, Kylie Schakel Middle row: Angie Denton, Lauren Wolter, Blake Bruns, Devin Fischer, Kelly Gaffney, Julia Studer, Lauren Thompson Back Row: Greg Williams, Gordon Dowell, Trevor Johnson, Clair Norris

Kansas State College was one of four founding members of the National Block & Bridle Club in 1919. Undergraduate students from the Animal Husbandry Clubs from the state agricultural colleges in KS, IA, MO, and NE chartered the club:

  1. To promote a higher scholastic standard among students in animal husbandry
  2. To promote animal husbandry, especially all phases of student animal husbandry work in colleges and universities, and
  3. To bring about a closer relationship between students, faculty, and others engaged in animal husbandry.

While lots of things about the world have changed since 1919, the principles and standards of the K-State Block & Bridle Chapter remain true today. The club has continued its charter for 105 years and is the single largest student organization hosted by the University’s largest department. Block & Bridle is more than just animal science, however. As a student, Mr. Gideon found a home in the K-State Block & Bridle Club, which connected him with others of similar interest while he pursued a dual animal science and agronomy major. Likewise, our membership spans 4 colleges and 9 different departments by connecting those with a passion for feeding the world.

Gideon exemplified the principles of Block & Bridle when he was a student at K-State, when he was a producer of Hereford cattle, and today, as he continues to be a champion and supporter of students.

With this membership, Mr. Gideon joins a distinguished group of individuals: Mr. Walter H. Smith, Dr. Arnold Nagely, Dr. Jack Riley, Dr. Miles McKee, Earl Brookover, and a fellow great Hereford cattleman, Arthur “Dad” Weber.

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