F17870 Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics General Fund Account
F66998 Hageman (Richard/Elizabeth) Distinguished Lectureship
F68342 Havley (David/Tim) Biochemistry Discretionary Account
Q53097 Hedgcoth Biochemistry Graduate Scholarship Account
Outstanding Graduate Teaching and Graduate Research Awards
Graduate Student Travel to Scientific Meetings
Q17100 Hughes (J.S.) Memorial Scholarship Account
Undergraduate Scholarships
F79431 Merrill (Fred/Virginia) Biochemistry Discretionary Account
Undergraduate Scholarships
F81556 Philip Nordin Memorial Account
Awards for Graduate Student Research Travel
F51745 W. Mack Barlow Memorial Scholarship Account
Undergraduate Scholarships
Q55486 R. Kenneth Burkhard Scholarship for Women in Biochemistry Account
Scholarship for Outstanding Female Biochemistry Juniors and Seniors