It is the time of year when our office starts getting more calls and web inquiries of people wanting to join 4-H. When you have visitors, remember, impressions last. Here are a few helpful tips for you:
– Greet your visitors at the door when they arrive.
– Introduce them to your family and other 4-H members.
– Tell them about the opening ceremony of your club so they know what to expect and give them a copy of the 4-H Pledge to follow along.
– Introduce them to the club. You can do this during roll call. If they are joining another club member, have that club member help introduce them.
– Involve them in the recreation activities.
– Invite them to go first with refreshments.
– After the meeting, send a Thank You note fore attending and invite them to the next meeting.
– Have a New Family Coordinator who can sit next to them at meetings and answer any questions they have.
– Develop a buddy system. Team a new 4-H family with a current 4-H family who can help explain and understand 4-H.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office and ask! Let’s help make new families feel welcome, as least confused as possible, and continue to grow the 4-H program!