Butler County 4-H News

4-H Council

The October 4-H Council Meeting was held on Oct. 8th. At the meeting, election of the new officers took place. Election of Officers were held and the 2015-2016 meeting dates were set and can be found below.The 2015-2016 4-H Council

Officers are as follows:

President: Danielle Chilcott, HH

Vice-President: Kendall Cerney, TR

Secretary/Treasurer: Elliot Merck, RHR

Reporter: Timothy Johnson, EDB

Executive Girl: Lillie Haller, BBB

Executive Boy: Trevor Johnson, PH

Fair Board Reps: Danielle Chilcott (HH), Dalton Perez (HH)

Adult Advisers: Connie Chilcott (HH), Myron Willhite (FH)

The dates for the 2015-2016 meetings

4-H Council meetings are scheduled for the following dates in 2016:

Jan. 7th, Feb. 4th, April 7th, Sept. 1st, Oct. 6th. All 4-H Council meetings start at 7:30 with Ambassadors and other committees being held prior to the start of the other meeting.