Butler County 4-H News

Leader’s Lounge

Time flies

Where’s has the time gone? In just 3 short months, Fair will be upon us and then we will quickly roll into recruiting for the new 4-H year and October will be here. WOW!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club

_____Kansas 4-H Club link (on 4-H website) to get tips and suggestions to enhance your club meetings


_____Plan to have project meetings!

_____Consider holding a club tour

_____Review the updated pin apps and encourage members to start filling in what they can

_____Make sure enrollment and project add/drop is completed—Due May 1

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Work on Club Seal!

_____Encourage members to work on Fair projects

_____Be thinking of ideas for a club banner at Fair

_____Quarterly Club Report


_____4-H Camp May June 4-7, registrations due May 2

_____ Did you know there is a time for Demonstrations at the Fair? Encourage youth to get involved and give a demonstration.


_____Project enrollment add/drops ENDS May 1

_____Horse ID Papers Due May 2

_____Swine Project leaders need to tag pigs by May 1

_____Sheep and Meat Goat tagging will be held on Friday, April 29th from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm and Saturday, April 30th from 8:30 am—9:30 am.

_____Dairy Lease/Grade papers due June 15