Butler County 4-H News

Looking Ahead


The school year has ended for some and about to end for others. Raise you’re hand if you’re excited for summer! I know I am! This week sure hasn’t felt much like summer temperatures yet but they will be here before long and everyone will be ready to get out and enjoy the warm sun!

This week we received our weekly “Tuesday Letter” from K-State Research and Extension. In it was an article written by Dr. Daryl Bucholz called Reflections and Life Lessons. In his article he referenced Admiral McRaven’s commencement speech that he gave in 2014 at the University of Texas Austin. With the many graduations that are upon us and life happens as we know it, I would encourage you to listen to Admiral McRaven’s speech found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70. There are several life lessons he talks about and I bet at least one of them will hit a chord with you! I encourage you to share this with your graduates.

As we  move towards summer and continue prepping for Fair activities,  reach out to the youth and help set a positive youth learning environment. Summer is a busy month with lots of activities and deadlines. As volunteers and parents, it’s your responsibility to guide and mentor them to help them achieve their goals and dreams. I challenge each and everyone of you to go out there and make a positive difference in the lives of others!

Until next month!
