Taylor Barlett
My name is Taylor Barlett. This was my second time attending KYLF and I had just as much fun as last year. Everyone takes three classes during the weekend usually about leadership or other 4-H opportunities. This year I took two classes about international exchange programs and one about how to write a letter. I didn’t intend to take two similar classes but I learned a lot in each about different cultures and how to get to go to different countries through 4-H. One of the international classes had someone from Japan and someone from Tajikistan come and talk about their home countries and what the differences are between there and America. The other class consisted of two 4-Hers that went to Norway for an exchange trip. They talked about what they learned and showed us some of their culture. My last class was about how to write thank you cards. We learned about the format and then we got to practice writing notes and even send one to someone who helped us with 4-H projects. I wrote mine to my mom because she always helps me with anything I need in 4-H. When we weren’t busy in classes, we heard from a motivational speaker. He taught us a phrase “be to get” which means we have to be good to people to get it in return. I really enjoyed this speaker and I try to be a good citizen whenever I can in hopes I can get it in return if I am ever in need. I got to reconnect with some friends I met last year and I met some new people that I still am in touch with. We split into small groups everyday to learn more about leadership in a less chaotic setting, which is where I met a lot of my new friends. On Saturday night there was a dance and everyone had a great time. I got to know the people I met in classes and small group even better than before. I absolutely love attending KYLF and it has given me the courage to try other 4-H conferences like 4-H days. I hope to attend next year and many years after that!
LeeAnn Taylor
My name is LeeAnn Taylor I am in Lily Lake 4h Club. This was my second time attending KYLF. I love it. I have had so much fun both years and have learned a lot. I have been really talking to other and recommending them to go next year. We all sign up for classes and do small groups and have a guest speaker. I use to be shy and have low self esteem, but this really has given me confidence and taught me to be a better leader. It made me step out on a limb and become an council rep and an ambassador this year. I have been excited to bring back what i have learned. I have learned the importance of community service. I have made a list of service projects I would like to see my club do. I really want to push for us to do something for every month of the year, even it is a something small. I have learned about all the opportunities that 4H gives. I learned about the exchange programs. In that class, I got to hear stories about their lives there and how different it is then here, and got to try new foods from those countries. I have learned that you always have people looking up to you and you have to be a good, positive role model for then. Helping others is also being a good leader. The one thing that really stuck with me this year was, you have to be good to get good. I also met new friends with in my county and statewide. I have made a friend that I keep in touch with through snapchat on a regular basis now.. We also have fun up there in our down times. Each year they have a dance and I got to learned how to dance. We also make a connection with some of our adult volunteers and our 4H agent. I feel like the group that went this year grew closer in friendship instead of being just some one we see around fair or other 4 H events. I recommend this KYLF to everyone. I also want to say thank you for the opportunity to go. I am looking forward to next year and hope you have several others join us.
Elizabeth Mitsch
I will begin by saying I had an amazing time at KYLF. I am not sure if I could have learned more or had more fun than I did. I got to know the 4Hrs that I went with better than just knowing their names. I also met new friends from other counties that I am excited to see at other events I hope to go to. I am very excited to have new friends in 4H.
We begun on Saturday morning with a keynote speaker. He was amazing. I really enjoyed him as a speaker because of how he kept us involved and presented his point through stories. His topic for Saturday morning was being totally present wherever you are and in whatever you are doing. I saw it as a great reminder as to why we were there, to learn how to be better leaders, and we could only do that through being totally involved in the classes we were about to attend.
The classes I chose to attend were body language basics, assertive communication, and authenticity: leading by being yourself. My favorite class was body language basics because I got to use what I learned immediately. I knew very little about body language before I went to the class and learned a lot about my own body language and others’. For example, for good body language you should be leaning forward when listening and standing straight when speaking. My next class was led by Jill Casten and she taught assertive communication, which she described as “finding the courage to express positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest, and direct way.” We were given the acronym Open The Front Door, standing for, Observe Think Feel and finally Do. I found this as very useful in the future for situations possibly with group projects or in a workplace setting. The final class I attended was authenticity: leading others by being yourself. My takeaways were put yourself out there, know your passions, and find a way or ways to help others through doing what you are passionate about.
One of my favorite aspects of KYLF was that we got to chose the classes we wanted to attend. I chose what interested me and as I was talking to my friends who were in different classes I learned of more classes that interested me. Thank you for the opportunity to attend KYLF. I had an incredible time learning and meeting new people and can not wait until next year, I definitely hope to attend again.