Butler County 4-H News

Leader’s Lounge

October CHECK-UP

____Celebrate the current 4-H year. Begin planning for the club achievement party.

____Hold an Officer Installation activity

____Continue recruiting new members


____4-H Forecaster read and important dates marked on calendar.

____Review highlights from the 4-H Forecaster at your club meeting.


____Project leaders notified of the specific responsibilities.

____Project Leaders conducting project meetings.

____Check club mailbox at the Extension Office.

____Have members think about projects for the new year.

____Check club’s progress toward goals.

____Remind all 4-H’ers to complete 4-H Online enrollment.

____Out of County Request to Join forms due before Online Enrollment Accepted

____Hand out and return VIP Renewal Forms (VIPs must complete the online process and the paper forms)

____Have new volunteers contact the Extension Office to get the VIP Process started


____Officer Training Oct. 24 – Registration is due Oct. 19th.

____4-H Achievement Celebration, Nov. 7


____ Make it a Fun and Rewarding Year!