4-H Camp Scholarship Applications are due into the Extension Office by May 2nd. All camp information can be found here: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/camp.html. Remember, you don’t have to be a 4-H’er to go to 4-H Camp! Have your 4-H’ers bring some friends along!
Author: Charlene Miller
State 4-H Sewing Camp
Shooting Sports News
Shotgun Project: A weekend shotgun course is scheduled for Saturday, April 2. Minimum age for participation is set at 12 years, but if you are less than 12, but are large enough to handle your shotgun, you can still participate by getting prior approval from the lead instructors, Bruce McCune (775-0801) or Rocky Kasper (734-9323). Pre-registration is required by Wednesday, March 30, using one of the shooting sports enrollment forms in the shooting sports flyer, available at the Extension Office or online at the Butler County Extension Service website, www.butler.ksu.edu.
2016 Fair Changes & Information
The Butler County Fair Board is hard at work reviewing the Fair Book for the 2016 Fair. Here are a couple changes they have asked me to share.
Let’s Get Healthy With Herbs!
Let’s Get Healthy With Herbs! You can learn how to grow and use them! You won’t want to miss out on this fun and educational opportunity!
On Tuesday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the Butler County Community Building, 200 N. Griffith, El Dorado, KS, Kay Neff, owner of Neff Family Farms, will share her vast knowledge of all things herbal. Kay will not only be giving tips on what herbs grow here and how to grow them, she will also be sharing recipes and have a good selection of herbs for sale for those in attendance.
Walk Kansas
Walk Kansas is Coming….Grab Your Walking Shoes and Let’s Go!
April 3 through May 28th
Do you want to feel better and have more energy? Maybe you need to blow off some steam after a stressful day or need to get better sleep? Regular exercise, along with healthy food choices, can help you do this. Join us for Walk Kansas 2016 and enjoy fitness, food and fun!
What Does a Ribbon Mean
In 4-H, we use the “Danish” system for ribbon placing. This means that exhibits are not judged “against” each other but rather they are evaluated according to a standard. In this system, judging begins at the white ribbon level.
4—White ….indicates average work. Project may need some work to be competitive.
3—Red….indicates average work, has a few weaknesses which need improvement. Project meets the minimum standards. It shows honest effort has been made.
2– Blue….indicates above average work, has minor problems. Project has exceeded minimum standards.
1—Purple…. indicates superior work, no serious errors. Project is outstanding on all standards.
Having one’s accomplishments evaluated can be motivating and educational for 4-H’ers. When judges critique their work or performance, it serves as a guide to further improvement. The judging process is probably more valuable than the award or recognition. To plan, practice, and present a finished product is to “learn by doing.” To graciously accept constructive criticism of one’s work is a real life experience. 4-H’ers learn quickly that judging results reflect a personal opinion, and that evaluation will vary among judges. (http://njaes.rutgers.edu/pubs/pdfs/4h/e148/425-428.pdf)
Youth Pork Quality Assurance
Youth PQA training has been scheduled and is required for all swine exhibitors. The second and final class will be held on April 21st at 7:00 pm. Class will be at the 4-H Building. Call into the Extension Office to RSVP.
If your 4-H age is 8 or older and you cannot attend one of these two classes, you can complete the training online. Information can be found here: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/pqa.html
It’s Time to Spring
Mother Nature continues to grant us gorgeous days to enjoy outside! I’m just as much ready for steady temperature days, the winds to vanish and the spring weather to stick around as many of you are as well! This time of year brings a new sense of happiness and refreshing feeling! What’s not to love about seeing baby animals running and playing, flowers blooming, green grass growing and children frolicking outside! In just a few short days we will Spring forward with time. Losing sleep is never a favorite of mine!
With Spring near by, it’s time to start springing forward with your 4-H projects and be thinking of what’s next around the corner….FAIR!!!
If you haven’t started springing forward, here are a few tasks you could get started on:
- Review Pin applications, start filling them out and see what else you need to do to reach that pin. There are some changes that will take place – however, there will be no major changes.
- Start working on your KAP now. It’s easier to do then wait until the last minute! Don’t forget to take pictures! Intermediate KAP’s will use the same form as the Senior KAP. They are basically the same form other than the Senior KAP is much more user friendly!
- Start working on projects that take time to complete for Butler County Fair (arts & crafts, leather, drawing, crochet, pictures, etc.)
- Spend time with your livestock project teaching them to walk/lead, set-up, etc.
It’s never too early to get started!
4-H Day
County 4-H Day will be here SOON! Volunteers are needed at 7:00 a.m. on February 13th to help set up at Butler Community College. We could also use a couple adult volunteers to help in the judges room with tabulation of results. If you are interested, please contact Charlene.
Remember to check the schedule and let the Extension Office know of any cancellations by Noon on Friday, February 12th. The schedule is located here: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/4hday.html
Good luck to everyone participating and Thank You in advance for those volunteering and helping out!
Summer Camps
WANTED: 4-H Camp Counselors
If you are currently a 9th grader or older…we need YOU! Camp Counselors are 9th through 12th graders. Camp counselors will go to Rock Springs on June 3rd and camp will take place June 4th – 7th. Counselor applications are DUE April 8th. Interviews will take place on Thursday, April 14th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Applications can be found online at www.butler.ksu.edu in the 4-H Youth section under 4-H Camp.
Female and Male Assistants for 4-H Camp—We are in need of a male and female chaperone to go to 4-H Camp and help out! 4-H Camp is June 4-7. You will need to be VIP trained. If you are interested in going, please contact Charlene.
Rookie Campers: If you are in 1st or 2nd grade we have just the camp for you!! This year, Oz-Some Rookie Camp is offering 2 Rookie sessions. Rookies can only attend one camp, however, they have the option to attend either one of the sessions. It is filled on a first come first-serve basis between all the counties that attend in the Oz-Some Camp Group. Stay tuned for registration details.
Regular Campers: Are you ready for FOUR action packed days? Stay tuned for sign-up and Save the Dates for June 4 – 7!!
Discovery Days 2016 will be held May 31 – June 3 at Kansas State University in Manhattan. This opportunity is open to youth who are 13 to 19 years old. Youth will participate in workshops, service activities, dance, ice cream, a keynote speaker, and free time to enjoy the beautiful K-State Campus. Look for more information to come but you won’t want to miss this opportunity!
Youth Pork Quality Assurance
Age Groups (as of January 1, 2016)
Beginners: age 8 – 11 yrs old – MUST attend PQA training each year to certify
Intermediate: age 12 – 14 yrs old – can attend each year or by passing a PQA exam (test out for Intermediate)
Advanced: age 15 – 18 yrs old – can attend each year or by passing a PQA exam (test out for Advanced)
¨ 7 year olds, as of May 1, 2016, with siblings can use the siblings PQA number.
¨ 7 year olds, as of May 1, 2016, without siblings must have a parent attend an Adult PQA training. Adult PQA training will be scheduled at a later time.
¨ 7 year olds are encouraged to attend a meeting.
Two meeting/testing dates are being offered.
1) Tuesday, April 12th @ 7:00 pm.
2) Thursday April 21st @ 7:00 p.m.
REMEMBER—If you are enrolled in the swine project, you are required to take a Youth Pork Quality Assurance class (unless you are old enough and test out).
Youth Livestock
SIGN-UP for County Livestock Emails—David Kehler, Ag Agent, has created a distribution list of leaders and others who like to receive emails of 4-H Livestock information and updates. If you would like to be included, please email David at dkehler@ksu.edu. Type YOUTH LIVESTOCK in the subject line, include your email address and which list you would like to be added to (Beef-includes bucket calf, sheep, swine, and meat goats).
Information and forms on the Internet
Remember, you can go to our Butler County Extension Website to get any county or state livestock forms for information. Go to: www.butler.ksu.edu and click on the “4-H & Youth” link on the left side and then on “livestock information” for the selections. In addition to Butler County information, there is a link to the state site. You can get information on state nominations, state events, etc.
Another good sight with lots of information on dates and events is: www.youthlivestock.ksu.edu
Important Dates
February 19—Entries for Regional 4-H Day Due to Extension Office
March 5th – Junior Beef Producer Day at Kansas State University in Manhattan
March 11—Spring Beef Set-up 4:30pm– 6pm
March 12—Market Beef (Steers & Heifers) Weigh-In 9am—11:30am
March 12—Regional 4-H Day
March 19 – Junior Sheep Producer Day at Kansas State University in Manhattan
April 7—4-H Council
April 12th – Youth PQA Training, 4-H Building at 7:00 p.m.
April 19th – Foods Judges Workshop, 4-H Building at 7:00 p.m.
April 21 – Youth PQA Training (last opportunity), 7:00 p.m. at 4-H Building
April 29—Meat Goat and Market Sheep Tagging 4:30 pm-6:00 pm
April 30—Meat Goat and Market Sheep Tagging 8:30 am—9:30 am
May 1—Market Beef nominations due
May 1—Horse ID papers Due
May 1—Dairy ID papers Due
May 24 – Mini-Fair
May 31-June 3—Discovery Days
June 3 – 4-H Camp Counselors go to 4-H Camp
June 4-7—4-H Camp
June 8-11 – K-State Animal Science Leadership Academy Session 1
June 11—Spring Horse Show
June 15 – Commercial Heifer, Swine, Sheep, & Meat Goat Nominations Due
June 29-July 2 – K-State Animal Science Leadership Academy Session 2
July 16—Fair Horse Show
July 23—Fair Fashion Review
July 29-August 4—County Fair
Leader’s Lounge
Calling all Community Leader’s!
Can you believe we are almost half way through the 4-H Year! We are in the 5th month and your clubs should be going strong!
_____4-H Forecaster for important dates
_____Review information with your club
_____Plan to have a fun spring!
_____Check in with project leaders to ensure they are on task and holding meetings
_____Review the pin apps as soon as they come out the end of the month
_____Let everyone know that the Intermediate aged youth will use the same KAP as the Senior aged youth.
_____Make sure everyone is enrolled in 4-H. Remember May 1 is the last day to add (non-market livestock)/drop projects!
_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office
_____Work on Fair projects
_____Make sure 4-H Council report is given to the club
_____4-H Discovery Days May 31 – June 3rd
_____4-H Camp June 4-7
_____4-H Camp Counselors needed for 4-H Camp (go up on June 3rd)
_____Set-up for Spring Beef Weigh-in is March 11th from 4:30pm-6:00pm .
_____Spring Beef Weigh-in is Sat. March 12th from 9am-10:30 am.
_____Regional 4-H Day will be held on March 13th at Butler Community College
_____Horse ID Papers Due May 1
_____Community Club Leader Meeting February 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the Extension Office
_____Mandatory Tagging Meeting for Your livestock project leaders that will be tagging livestock – March 24th at 7:00 p.m.