Butler County 4-H News

Author: Charlene Miller

48 Hours of 4H

I since484Hrely hope every 4-H Club in our county will join in this fall in seeing just how much we can give back to our communities! The weekend after National 4-H Week, is the perfect opportunity to setup a service project. Invite your friends, clubs, adult volunteers and 4-H Alums too! Find all the information on the state 4-H website and start planning your projects.

If your group wants t-shirts they must be ordered online by September 22.

When: October 10-11, 2015

Who: 4-H Members, 4-H Clubs, Friends, Adult Volunteers, Parents, 4-H Alumni

Its time to make plans, order t-shirts for your club and register your projects online.

Ready, Set, Go…. to Kansas 4-H.org, click on events, and 484H

Welcoming New 4-H Families

It is the time of year when our office starts getting more calls and web inquiries of people wanting to join 4-H. When you have visitors, remember, impressions last. Here are a few helpful tips for you:

– Greet your visitors at the door when they arrive.

– Introduce them to your family and other 4-H members.

– Tell them about the opening ceremony of your club so they know what to expect and give them a copy of the 4-H Pledge to follow along.

– Introduce them to the club. You can do this during roll call. If they are joining another club member, have that club member help introduce them.

– Involve them in the recreation activities.

– Invite them to go first with refreshments.

– After the meeting, send a Thank You note fore attending and invite them to the next meeting.

– Have a New Family Coordinator who can sit next to them at meetings and answer any questions they have.

– Develop a buddy system. Team a new 4-H family with a current 4-H family who can help explain and understand 4-H.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office and ask! Let’s help make new families feel welcome, as least confused as possible, and continue to grow the 4-H program!


Shooting Sports

shooting sports

Rifle and Archery projects – Basic Rifle and Archery classes has started and will meet weekly through Thanksgiving. Classes run from 7pm to 8pm. All equipment and supplies are provided. If Archery participants have their own bow that they prefer to shoot, they can bring it. If it is suitable, they may use it.


Shotgun – There will be an all day Saturday basic shotgun course this fall. The date is not yet set. If you wish to participate, fill out a 4-H Shooting Sports enrollment form and turn it in to the Extension Office. When the date is set you will get additional information.


There is a $15 fee for Rifle and a $10 fee for Archery. Pre-registration is required by contacting the Extension Office and completing a Shooting Sports enrollment form. For questions, call Gene Maggard at 316-742-3746.

Kansas Leadership Weekend

The 4-H Council has a few scholarships available for youth and adult volunteers to attend.  They approved to pay for 5 youth, 2 adult volunteers and the 4-H agent to attend the Kansas Leadership Weekend.

Youth need to fill out a Bu Co Event Scholarship and submit to the Extension Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Sept. 18. Volunteers need to submit a written request to Charlene know by this time also!

Read on for more information!

Continue reading “Kansas Leadership Weekend”