Butler County 4-H News

Category: April 2016 Newsletter

Record Book/KAP Training Opportunity

what is a record book

Hello 4-H Families!

I am going to hold a series of Kansas Award Portfolio (KAP), or as some know them Record Books, training’s. This will be a 3 step training with each training building off of the first.

The first session will be geared all regular aged 4-H members. Session 2 and 3 will be geared more towards those who’s 4-H age is 9 and over as of January 1. The goal of this training is for youth to have the necessary tools and information to submit a completed KAP for County judging. Session will be held from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at the 4-H Building on the following dates: May 12, June 16 and August 18th.

All KAP’s and Pin Applications can be found online at: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/recordsawardsetc.html.

Please RSVP at the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/nekZDWmYUT

If you have questions, contact Charlene at (316) 321-9660 or cmmiller1@ksu.edu

Leader’s Lounge

Time flies

Where’s has the time gone? In just 3 short months, Fair will be upon us and then we will quickly roll into recruiting for the new 4-H year and October will be here. WOW!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club

_____Kansas 4-H Club link (on 4-H website) to get tips and suggestions to enhance your club meetings


_____Plan to have project meetings!

_____Consider holding a club tour

_____Review the updated pin apps and encourage members to start filling in what they can

_____Make sure enrollment and project add/drop is completed—Due May 1

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Work on Club Seal!

_____Encourage members to work on Fair projects

_____Be thinking of ideas for a club banner at Fair

_____Quarterly Club Report


_____4-H Camp May June 4-7, registrations due May 2

_____ Did you know there is a time for Demonstrations at the Fair? Encourage youth to get involved and give a demonstration.


_____Project enrollment add/drops ENDS May 1

_____Horse ID Papers Due May 2

_____Swine Project leaders need to tag pigs by May 1

_____Sheep and Meat Goat tagging will be held on Friday, April 29th from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm and Saturday, April 30th from 8:30 am—9:30 am.

_____Dairy Lease/Grade papers due June 15

Sheep and Meat Goat Tagging

It’s almost time for sheep and meat goat tagging! All market lambs and market meat goats are required to be at one of the following two tagging times. If you are going to be out of town, make sure to recruit a fellow 4-H’er, neighbor or family member to get your animals there!


Friday, April 29th from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 30th from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Tagging will take place at the Butler County Fair Grounds. Tags will cost $3. If you haven’t turned in your Animal Care & Housing or Household Nomination forms (available at www.butler.ksu.edu), bring them with you. You are welcome to bring your breeding does and ewes to be tagged at this time as well.

April Showers bring…..


May flowers….or so the saying goes. However, as I write this newsletter, we have had nothing but mere sprinkles and a whole lot of WIND. I’m sure we will all be grateful for a gentle breeze on the hot summer days, however, I’m ready for those wind to take a leave of absence!

Just like flowers need rain to blossom, our 4-H’ers need nurturing to grow. As we continue through this year and start looking at the year ahead, we should pay attention to what can our youth teach others and what can they do to help the community in which they live.

Speaking of giving back, 48 Hours of 4-H is schedule for Oct. 8th and 9th, 2016. While this does fall into the next 4-H Year, planning for this should start soon! As a club, start taking a look at and identifying community service activities youth can do. How can they volunteer in their community?

April also brings nearer the May 1 enrollment deadline to be eligible to participate in the County Fair! May 1 is also the add/drop deadline. If you have not finished up your enrollment you will want to do that ASAP!  Don’t wait until the last minute! All enrollments, project additions and drops is completed online at https://ks.4honline.com

If you have any questions, give our office a call at (316) 321-9660. May 1 also brings many other deadlines. Make sure and read the newsletter carefully for those important deadlines!

I also want to give a huge shout out to those that participated in and helped with Regional 4-H Day. You all represented Butler County well! Good Job and Thank you!

~ Charlene


2016 Fair Changes

Group of 4 2

There are lots of changes to the 2016 Butler County Fair. Highlights include:

4-H Division

  1. ARTS & CRAFTS-TEAM EXHIBIT – County Competition Only.  This class may be entered by any team of two or more arts and crafts project members. A 4-H’er may be on only one team. The team entry may be made in addition to individual entries. This class will be excluded from any awards.
  2. CAMPERS – Campers will be brought in on Friday afternoon.
  3. LIVESTOCK – Livestock will be brought in on Friday evening. Tack will be allowed in prior to livestock coming in.
  4. PHOTOGRAPHY – All exhibits will be brought to the fair and put in boxes according to club name.  Sign-up for judging will be at that time.  ALL exhibits will be checked for proper size mounting with a template at a later time.  Any photography not mounted properly will be lowered 1 ribbon.


  1. There will be no open class Cookie Jars
  2. There will be no open class gift basket
  3. A Chocolate Layer Cake class has been added

Remember, if you have questions regarding the fair, you can email bucofair@gmail.com

Important Dates


April 19th – Food Judges Workshop, 4-H Building at 5:30 p.m.

April 21 – Youth PQA Training (last opportunity), 7:00 p.m. at 4-H Building

April 29—Meat Goat and Market Sheep Tagging 4:30 pm-6:00 pm

April 30—Meat Goat and Market Sheep Tagging 8:30 am—9:30 am

May 2—Market Beef nominations due to be able to participate in State shows

May 2—Horse ID papers Due

May 24 – Mini-Fair

May 31-June 3—Discovery Days

June 1- Pre-Entry due for Spring Horse Show

June 3 – 4-H Camp Counselors go to 4-H Camp

June 4-7—4-H Camp

June 8-11 –  K-State Animal Science Leadership Academy Session 1

June 11—Spring Horse Show

June 15—Dairy ID papers Due into Extension Office

June 15 – Commercial Heifer, Swine, Sheep, & Meat Goat Nominations Due to be eligible to participate in State Shows

June 29 – July 2 –  K-State Animal Science Leadership Academy Session 2

June 29 – Registration deadline for poultry testing

July 6 – Pullorum Typhoid Testing for Poultry – REQUIRED to be able to participate in the Butler County Fair. (4:30 pm-6:00 pm at Butler Co. Fair Grounds). Registration required by 5:00 p.m., June 29

July 16—Fair Horse Show

July 23—Fair Fashion Review

July 29-August 4—County Fair

State 4-H Sewing Camp

FF Proof
Come join us for the 5th annual State 4-H Sewing Camp!  It will be held on the K-State Campus in Manhattan.  This year’s Specialty Camp is designed for youth that have mastered basic sewing skills and are ready to challenge themselves to learn new and more advanced skills.  The camp offers 4-H members and their friends an opportunity to learn and build confidence in the Clothing and Textiles project.

Continue reading “State 4-H Sewing Camp”

Let’s Get Healthy With Herbs!

Let’s Get Healthy With Herbs! You can learn how to grow and use them! You won’t want to miss out on this fun and educational opportunity!

On Tuesday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the Butler County Community Building, 200 N. Griffith, El Dorado, KS, Kay Neff, owner of Neff Family Farms, will share her vast knowledge of all things herbal. Kay will not only be giving tips on what herbs grow here and how to grow them, she will also be sharing recipes and have a good selection of herbs for sale for those in attendance.

Continue reading “Let’s Get Healthy With Herbs!”

Youth Pork Quality Assurance



Youth PQA training has been scheduled and is required for all swine exhibitors. The second and final class will be held on April 21st at 7:00 pm. Class will be at the 4-H Building. Call into the Extension Office to RSVP.

If your 4-H age is 8 or older and you cannot attend one of these two classes, you can complete the training online. Information can be found here: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/pqa.html