Butler County 4-H News

Category: January 2016

Happy New Year!!!

Happy new year

Happy 2016! I hope the New Year is off to a good start for each and everyone of you! I am excited to see what 2016 holds! I hope it is full of many blessings for each and everyone of you.

If you haven’t already completed your 4-H enrollment, make sure to get this done! If you want to exhibit market livestock at the Butler County Fair, you must be enrolled in that project by February 1st. We will lock the 4-H Online enrollment system down for a week at that time so we can run the enrollment reports for market animals.

VIPs are also due by February 1st. If you are a volunteer, make sure to complete the 4-H online enrollment and submit your renewal paperwork.

As we go through the year, remember, we are here to help! I say that honestly and sincerely. Do not hesitate to call or e-mail if you have questions. I look forward to seeing you at events and working with you!



4-H Camp

June 4th – 7th (counselors go up on the 3rd)

1) Rookie Campers—There will be 2 rookie camps this year during regular camp! You will have the option to attend either June 4 & 5 or June 6 & 7. Please note, a rookie camper CANNOT attend both rookie camps! Prices for rookie camp looks to stay around $100.

summer camp 3

2) Regular Campers—Be watching for registration information. There are some exciting new activities! Additionally, steps have been taken to improve safety and security as well. We are still waiting on the final prices. Increases this year were due to new activities and other changes at Rock Springs. These increases are not due to changes the Oz-Some Camp Group has made. The Kansas 4-H Foundation has came up with a scholarship of $20 per camper/counselor to help off set some of that expense for this year. At this time, it looks like camp prices are going to be around $198.

3) Counselors—Counselors are needed, males and females for rookie and regular campers! If you are in 8th grade, consider being a 4-H Camp Counselor! We need you! Great news for the Rookie Counselors – you will have the option to stay for the full camp! If you are interested but have questions, give Charlene a call. Counselor applications will be out by the end of January!

Summer camp 2

Leader’s Lounge




Wow! We are already into our third month of the new  4-H Year. I hope you are starting to settle in!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club



_____Make sure all VIP’s are turned in

_____Make sure everyone is enrolled in 4-H Online

_____Remind families they can go in and add or drop projects as needed.

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Check your club’s progress towards goal you set

_____Make sure 4-H Council report is given to the club

_____Project Leaders conducting project meetings

_____Turn in registration for County 4-H Day

_____Watch closely for 4-H Days door monitor assignments

_____Complete Club Leader Report by January 15th.



_____4-H Camp June 4th -7thc60b571210662c6c9de2a8f9d12de97c

_____4-H Discovery Days May 31st – June 3rd

_____4-H Camp Counselors needed for 4-H Camp (go up on June 3rd)



_____If you need to cancel for 4-H days, call the Extension Office by noon on Feb. 5th

_____4-H Day will be held on Feb. 13th at the Community College


Important Dates

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January 14—Fair Board Meeting

January 26—4-H Day pre-entries due by 5:00 p.m.

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February 1—Market animal enrollment DEADLINE

February 4—4-H Council

February 5—4-H Day cancellations due to Extension Office.

Feb. 13—4-H Day

March 7—Jr. Beef Producer Day in Manhattan (www.youthlivestock.ksu.edu)

March 13 – Regional 4-H Day

March 13 – Market Beef Weighing

March 19 – Junior Sheep Producer Day in Manhattan (www.youthlivestock.ksu.edu)

May 1—Market beef nominations due

May 1—All non-livestock project enrollment deadline

May 31-June 3 – Discovery Days

June 3 – 4-H Camp Counselors go to Rock Springs

June 4 – 7 – 4-H Camp

June 15th – All commercial animals and breeding females must be tagged/registered. Also, Commercial Swine, Meat Goat, Sheep and Heifer Nominations Due.

July 18—Supporter’s Picnic

July 29-August 3—County Fair

September 9 – 18 – Kansas State Fair

September 30-Oct. 2 – Kansas Junior Livestock Show

4-H Day Information


February 13th, 2016 at
Butler Community College, 901 S. Haverhill Rd., El Dorado

 1) Entries are due by 5:00 pm on January 26th.

3) Room Monitors—Each club will be responsible for room monitors. Those will be assigned as we are doing the scheduling.

4) Cancellations—We know last minute events and illnesses happen. If at all possible, please let us know by Noon on Friday the 5th if you know you will not be there. If you wake up sick that morning, please stay home and call your community leader to let them know you won’t be there!

5) Guidelines, Scorecards, Etc—Can be found online at www.butler.ksu.edu.

6) Pickle Power: A No-Prep, Drop-In Event at 4-H Days! – Solve a dilemma, eat a pickle! 4-Her’s of any age can drop-in. Be watching for times!

7) There will be FACS judging at 4-H Day!!!!

8) Regional 4-H Day will be held on March 12th. Those receiving top blues at County 4-H Day will be eligible to participate at Regional. Please note, this will be the last year for Regional 4-H Day.