Butler County 4-H News

Category: June 2016

Summer Time


Wow! When Mother Nature decided it was time for some heat, she sure kicked up thermostat! I am very happy the heat and humidity arrived at the end of 4-H Camp and not the start! It was nice to wake up with cool fresh air each morning..especially when compared to the hot and humid mornings we are now experiencing!

It’s hard to believe that in just a couple of weeks July will be here and the Fair will have arrived! Before July gets here though, we have to get through the rest of June! June has been nothing short of relaxing!

May 27th – June 3rd found 8 Butler County 4-H’ers exploring classes and the campus of Kansas State University for the yearly 4-H event Discovery Days! I am grateful for Greenwood County Agent, Beth Ireland, who served as our chaperone so I could finish prepping for 4-H Camp! June 3rd I met with Discovery Days delegates who were also 4-H Camp Counselors, and other OzSome 4-H Camp group agents and headed to Rock Springs for OzSome 4-H Camp! On June 4th, our campers arrived and a good time was had by all.

While I am sad that we didn’t have enough campers to take all of the counselors that applied, Butler County was well represented by the 8 counselors who did get to go. I also want to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Carrie Claassen and Dennis Schmidt for being my 4-H Camp Adult Assistants. I am blessed to have such wonderful volunteers in our county to volunteer to go to 4-H events and help out.

Hot on the heels of those 2 events were the Spring Horse Show and Ambassador Day Camp. Make sure to look for the Spring Horse Show Results in this newsletter! The second record book training will be held this week and Saturday I will be at the El Dorado Lake for their community event and helping promote the Extension programming.

Now with Summer and Fair just around the corner, there will be a lot more fabulous volunteering and events taking place with 4-H’ers having a blast! If you haven’t started on our your projects that you can do ahead before fair, then I encourage you to get started today! The sooner you get done, the more time you willhave to relax and enjoy some summertime fun before Fair arrives! You will be well rested and ready for “4-H Awakens” at the 2016 Butler County Fair!


Important News and Deadline

June 16th— Session #2 of Record Book Training. 6pm-8pm at the 4-H Building in El Dorado

July 1st—ALL Fair pre-entries and Camper registration due into the Extension Office.

July 1st—District Horse Show, Hutchinson KS

July 6th—Poultry Testing (required for Fair), 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

July 16—County Fair Horse Show

July 18—Countywide Photography Project Meeting

July 21 – Fair Superintendent’s meeting

July 23 – Fair Fashion Revue – El Dorado High School

July 29 – August 4th – FAIR!!!!

August 18 – Third and Final Record Book Class

August—4-H Livestock Sweepstakes in Manhattan

September 8th—Bring small, non-breathing items to the Extension Office for Charlene to take to Kansas State Fair.

September 9—18—Kansas State Fair

September 30—End of 2015 4-H Year

Sept. 30 – Oct. 2—Kansas Junior Livestock Show in Hutchinson


Leader’s Lounge

Oh My—Only 4 months are left in this 4-H Year!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club



_____Start preparing for fair: club displays, banners, etc.

_____Work with youth to update pin apps & KAP if already started

_____Project Leaders conducting meetings

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Check club’s progress toward club goals.

_____Have families read the Fair Book

_____Parent’s committee recruitment started for the next 4-H year (Oct. 1)

 It’s All in the Details!!!

Please encourage your families to read the Fair Book CAREFULLY. There’s lots of information and details in there. This is the one stop shop for the majority of the information families need. If they have specific questions, reference the Fair Book first, then help them and if you are unable to answer the questions, please have them contact us. Please promote responsibility and organization!!

DON’T FORGET Fair pre-entries are due July 1st!


Poultry Testing for Fair

Poultry Project Members chicken-icon

Don’t forget the required testing to be able to exhibit at the Butler County Fair will be held on Wednesday, July 6th from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the Butler County Fair. You will need to call the extension office to RSVP your name and the number of birds you will be bringing to be tested.