Butler County 4-H News

Category: May 2017

Using Hashtags and Why You Want To!

By: Amy Sollock

New to social media? Are you a Gen X or Baby Boomer and just don’t get what a #Hashtag is or why you’d want to use one?  The use of hashtags gained popularity on Twitter, but they are commonly used on all social media platforms.  You’ll see them on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest and others.

A hashtag is a label for content.  It helps others who are interested in a topic, quickly find content on that same topic. Anyone posting or sharing content on a relevant topic can add a hashtag label to their message. Other people can than search for that same label to find similar content on the same social media platform.  Proper hashtag etiquette is to use no more than 3 hashtags at a time.

For example, when creating a Facebook post about the local county 4-H club day event, it could read, “Lucky Clover 4-H members participated in a Model Meeting and received a top blue.  Learning leadership skills and having fun at the same time! #KS4H #4HGrowsHere ”

Because so many of us utilize social media to promote and share our local 4-H programs, it is necessary that we all start using the same hashtags.  Please help us create a larger social media presence by using #KS4H and #4HGrowsHere.  Please also encourage your

Save the Date: Poultry Testing

Poultry Project Members

Don’t forget the required testing to be able to
exhibit at the Butler County Fair will be held on
Wednesday, July 12th from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
at the Butler County Fair Grounds. You will need to call the Bu County Extension Office at 316-321-9660 to RSVP your name and the number of birds you will be bringing to be tested.


2017 Butler County Fair Books and Entry Information!

The Butler County 4-H Fair is quickly approaching! By the time you read this newsletter, the Fair Books should be in the hands of your community leader! We have one Fair Book per family, so please make sure and hold on tight to it and don’t lose it!

Information and forms on the Website

Remember, you can go to our Butler County Extension Website to get a copy of any letter or form that has been sent out. Go to: www.butler.ksu.edu and click on the “4-H & Youth”  or “Butler County 4-H Fair” link on the left side, if you need help finding something, just give us a call or email and we will be happy to help you find it.