Brian Tracy quipped “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” In light of all the darkness in the world going on right now, it’s only fitting that we are in November, the month of giving Thanks. I challenge each and everyone of you to stop for a couple minutes and reflect upon everything you are thankful for.
We are all fortunate to have wonderful people in our lives who go above and beyond to help us out; especially when we take a look at the 4-H Community. Last week I attended the funeral of a fellow 4-H Agent. Ann Religa, the Harvey County 4-H Agent was an agent when I was a child growing up in the 4-H program. While she was not my direct agent, she left a lasting impact on me. She blessed and enriched the lives of countless people who had the pleasure of crossing her path. Ann, Thank You!
Other people like 4-H volunteers, leaders, parents, a sibling and the list can go on provide support to adults and children. That support helps us grow and in time, allow us to give back to others. With the support that is given, we also need to remember to show our gratefulness in return.
At this year’s achievement celebration, we provided a package of Extra gum to all of the volunteers with the saying: “Thanks for going the EXTRA mile for Butler County 4-H” We have some pretty amazing volunteers who work hard and want nothing but the best, while looking at the big picture, and keeping everyone in mind.
Whether is a small token of appreciation or a THANK YOU, make sure and tell those important people in your life thank you for helping out, being there and supporting you. After all, practicing gratefulness shows your respect towards them and all they do to help you out!
I know I am grateful and thankful for everyone who contributes to the 4-H program To Make The Best Better. Whether it’s 4-H’ers, volunteers or the crowd in the stands, THANK YOU for supporting our program!