Butler County 4-H News

Save the Date: Poultry Testing

Poultry Project Members

Don’t forget the required testing to be able to
exhibit at the Butler County Fair will be held on
Wednesday, July 12th from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
at the Butler County Fair Grounds. You will need to call the Bu County Extension Office at 316-321-9660 to RSVP your name and the number of birds you will be bringing to be tested.


2017 Butler County Fair Books and Entry Information!

The Butler County 4-H Fair is quickly approaching! By the time you read this newsletter, the Fair Books should be in the hands of your community leader! We have one Fair Book per family, so please make sure and hold on tight to it and don’t lose it!

Information and forms on the Website

Remember, you can go to our Butler County Extension Website to get a copy of any letter or form that has been sent out. Go to: www.butler.ksu.edu and click on the “4-H & Youth”  or “Butler County 4-H Fair” link on the left side, if you need help finding something, just give us a call or email and we will be happy to help you find it.


WANTED: Camp Counselors!!

It’s that time again. If you are interested in being a camp counselor, applications are now available at www.butler.ksu.edu or at the Extension Office. Counselors must be in the 9th through 12th grade.

This is a great leadership opportunity for you and a great way to get to go back to camp! Both male and female counselors are needed and your camp registration is paid. Camp Counselor training will be held before camp. If you are interested in this opportunity, download or pick up a copy of the application and have it completed and turned in prior to the deadline. All applications are due back to the Extension Office by 5:00 pm on April 7th.


Website Link: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/camp.html


Shooting Sports News: Shot Gun Class

Shotgun Project:  A Basic Shotgun class will be held Saturday, April 8 at Michael Murphy and Sons, 6400 SW Hunter Road, Augusta. Minimum age for participation is 12 years old.  However, if you younger than 12, but strong enough to handle your shotgun, you may still participate by getting prior approval from the lead instructors: Bruce McCune, 316-775-0801 or Rocky Kasper, 316-734-9323.  Pre-registration is required by Wednesday, April 5, using one of the shooting sports enrollment forms in the shooting sports flyer, available from the Extension Office or at this link: Shooting Sports Brochure

The course will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 8, and will end approximately 3:00 p.m.  Do not show up without being pre-registered.  Ammunition, targets, and range fees are provided.  Bring your own lunch and drink.  Coolers will be provided.  You may bring your own shotgun, if you have one.  The preferred choke is IC – improved cylinder or more open.  410’s are not suitable for beginner instruction.

If you have any questions, please call Gene Maggard at 316-742-3746 or email at gandpmaggard@gmail.com.

Essay – Citizenship in Action

This year I got the opportunity to go to CIA, Citizenship in Action. It was held in Topeka and a lot of the activities were at the State Capitol.  I really enjoyed it. I knew that it was going to be a very new experience because I had never done anything like it before. I was right!  First, we started our time by writing a mock legislative bill. We got to chose between three bills:  free college, increasing the driving age, and having parents and guardians pay for extra curricular activities. I chose the group to write the bill about free college. Everyone was split up into either House of Representatives or Senators.  I was in the House of Representatives group.  We worked as a group to write our bill.   This part was very interesting because I got to see what it takes to make a bill. We started with many points and then as a whole group narrowed it down to only a few.  That night we went to the Capitol after it was closed and actually sat in the House of Representatives Chambers and went through a mock session. Most of our group were opposed to this bill.  We debated it and voted and it did not pass.  This was really fun and I really enjoyed hearing the different people’s points on the three bills. When I first got there I expected there to be more fun activities like camp or something because I had never to be anything  as serious as this. But, I really enjoyed it being serious.  I felt very professional.  But there was also fun.  After the mock session, there were options for a dance, a movie or swimming.   This was like something that I had never done before, I would highly recommend this experience to anyone.

Geology Field Trip – April 1st

Gayla Corley, Frontier District Geology Leader, has scheduled a field trip for any 4-H member enrolled in the Geology project on April 1, 2017.

The group will meet at Casey’s in New Strawn, Kansas, at 9:00 a.m. and “head south”. Participants should bring a small bucket for specimens, ziplock-type bags, a sack lunch and plenty to drink. NO claw or carpenter hammers allowed. Anyone with questions may contact Gayla at 785-448-0301.