Butler County 4-H News

2017 Southeast Leadership Forum


The Southeast Leadership Forum (SELF) is put on by the Southeast Area Representatives from the Kansas 4-H Youth Leadership Council.  SELF is designed for future and present day leaders.  This is an event that will help to create leadership skills, with class leaders from all over the state of Kansas.  This event is open to youth ages 12 to 18. There will be a program for volunteers/adults as well as youth delegates.  The day will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and the program will begin at 9:45 a.m. with small group gatherings followed by classes.  The afternoon will include one more class session, small group gatherings, and a guest speaker.  If you’re looking for a one day leadership experience with new friends, leadership skills, and great ideas to take back to your clubs, we hope that you will join us for this year’s Southeast Area Leadership Forum!

The registration deadline is January 10, 2017.  You must make payment to the Butler County Extension Office by January 10, 2017, or your registration will be cancelled.




Kansas 4-H Day with Wildcat Women’s Basketball


Kansas 4-H Day with Wildcat Women’s Basketball
Saturday – 
February 11, 2017
1:00 p.m. K-State vs. Iowa State


Group Ticket Rate of $20 per person, youth or adult 4-H and non 4-H families and individuals welcome to attend

What you will receive: A ticket to the K-State vs. Iowa State Women’s Basketball Game · A game day T-shirt · $7 meal voucher to use at the main concession stands at the game The day’s preliminary activities will include: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Tickets and Shirts distributed (Peace Lutheran Church, 2500 Kimball Ave) 12:00 p.m. Doors open for General Public for the game 1:00 p.m.

Tip off Online registration for this event will be due January 17, 2017. No paper registrations will be accepted. All orders must be paid with a credit card. To register, go to: http://tinyurl.com/2017kae4ha for complete registration details.

Leader’s Lounge


____Plan a Holiday gathering or community service project for the Holiday season

____Take time to Relax

____Encourage 4-H’ers to ask their friends to attend a meeting

____Ask your 4-H parents to encourage others to get involved


____Read 4-H Forecaster for important dates.

____Review highlights from the 4-H Forecaster at your club meeting.


____Make sure all families complete the 4-H Enrollment process

____Encourage Project Leaders to start conducting project meetings.

____Start generating ideas for the 4-H Fair Theme.

____Check club boxes at Extension Office.

____Plan Holiday party

____Have a Parents meetings

____Have a NEW parents meeting-welcome, encourage and let them know what to expect.

____Out of County Request to Join forms due before 4-H Enrollment accepted

____Hand out and return VIP Renewal Forms

____Have new volunteers contact the Extension Office to get the VIP Process started


____4-H Day in February

____ CIA in February


____ Make it a Fun and Rewarding Year!

Tis the Season

…to be busy, falalalala lalalala!! I don’t know about you, but this time of year seems to be the busiest: planning and getting ready for the Holidays, helping with school classroom parties, children’s Christmas program, sports, other family activities, school programming with Barb, 4-H Camp planning and planning for the new year 4-H activities! Since this is a very busy time of year for many, I’m going to keep this article short!

christmas line up

Don’t forget to complete the VIP process if you have not already done so, make sure the 4-H Online Enrollment done for volunteers and youth and also the Out of County Request for enrollment completed! Just remember as you go through the processes and have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! We are here to help! Until next month’s newsletter, I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and happy New Year!


4-H Council

The 2016-2017 4-H Council Officers and meeting dates are as follows:

Officers are as follows:

President: Anna Kuestersteffen, EDB

Vice-President: Danielle Chilcott, HH

Secretary/Treasurer: Corbin Gauthier, FH

Reporter: Trena Garcia, CB

Executive Girl: Lillie Haller, BBB

Executive Boy: Trevor Johnson, PH

Fair Board Reps: Shelby Varner (TR), Elliot Merck (RHR)

Adult Advisers: Connie Chilcott (HH), Myron Willhite (FH)

The dates for the 2017 meetings include

4-H Council meetings are scheduled for the following dates in 2016:

Jan. 5th, Feb. 2nd, April 6th, Sept. 14th, Oct. 5th. All 4-H Council meetings start at 7:30 with Ambassadors and other committees being held prior to the start of the other meeting.

4-H Day 2017

4-H Day will be here before we know it! 4-H Day is a great time to showcase your talents, get feedback on your presentations and learn from others about projects and topics you might not know about! The event will be held on February 4th, 2017 at the Butler Community College.

Registration deadline is 5:00 p.m. January 20th. You can sign up online at: http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/4hday.html

If you are looking for more information on 4-H Day and the different categories, make sure to visit www.butler.ksu.edu. There is a guidelines document under 4-H & Youth, 4-H Day. Other information can be found on the State website at: http://www.kansas4-h.org/projects/personal-development/communications.html.

Some divisions available are:

Public Speaking, Demonstrations, Readings, Gavel Games, Vocal and Instrumental Solos and Ensembles, Piano, Skits, Dance, and the list goes on! Your club leader can help you pick which divisions you might want to enter! Thee will also be fun events during the day like Pickle Power.

Please note, there is no Regional 4-H Day this year.

KYLF Scholarship Essays

Taylor Barlett
My name is Taylor Barlett.  This was my second time attending KYLF and I had just as much fun as last year.  Everyone takes three classes during the weekend usually about leadership or other 4-H opportunities.  This year I took two classes about international exchange programs and one about how to write a letter.  I didn’t intend to take two similar classes but I learned a lot in each about different cultures and how to get to go to different countries through 4-H.  One of the international classes had someone from Japan and someone from Tajikistan come and talk about their home countries and what the differences are between there and America.  The other class consisted of two 4-Hers that went to Norway for an exchange trip.  They talked about what they learned and showed us some of their culture.  My last class was about how to write thank you cards.  We learned about the format and then we got to practice writing notes and even send one to someone who helped us with 4-H projects.  I wrote mine to my mom because she always helps me with anything I need in 4-H.  When we weren’t busy in classes, we heard from a motivational speaker.  He taught us a phrase “be to get” which means we have to be good to people to get it in return.  I really enjoyed this speaker and I try to be a good citizen whenever I can in hopes I can get it in return if I am ever in need.  I got to reconnect with some friends I met last year and I met some new people that I still am in touch with.  We split into small groups everyday to learn more about leadership in a less chaotic setting, which is where I met a lot of my new friends.  On Saturday night there was a dance and everyone had a great time.  I got to know the people I met in classes and small group even better than before.  I absolutely love attending KYLF and it has given me the courage to try other 4-H conferences like 4-H days.  I hope to attend next year and many years after that!


LeeAnn Taylor Continue reading “KYLF Scholarship Essays”

Shooting Sports News

Rifle, Pistol and Archery meetings are scheduled to begin again in January.  Rifle and Pistol start on Jan. 3 and Archery on Jan. 5.  New basic classes will begin in all three disciplines.  Registration will be from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and meetings will be from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Pre-enrollment is required by turning in a completed 4-H Shooting Sports Enrollment Form to the Extension Office by Dec. 30 and completing the 4-H online enrollment process.  All meetings are at the 4-H Building, 200 N. Griffith, El Dorado.  Meetings will be held at the same time and days of the week through most of the weeks in January, February, March and April.  All new participants are required to attend the first meeting in each discipline.  If you have any questions please call Gene Maggard at 316-742-3746.

Leader’s Lounge



____Celebrate the current 4-H year. Begin planning for the club achievement party.

____Hold an Officer Installation activity

____Continue recruiting new members


____4-H Forecaster read and important dates marked on calendar.

____Review highlights from the 4-H Forecaster at your club meeting.


____Project leaders notified of the specific responsibilities.

____Project Leaders conducting project meetings.

____Check club mailbox at the Extension Office.

____Have members think about projects for the new year.

____Check club’s progress toward goals.

____Remind all 4-H’ers to complete 4-H Online enrollment.

____Out of County Request to Join forms due before Online Enrollment Accepted

____Hand out and return VIP Renewal Forms (VIPs must complete the online process and the paper forms)

____Have new volunteers contact the Extension Office to get the VIP Process started


____4-H Achievement Celebration, Nov. 5


____ Make it a Fun and Rewarding Year!

Kansas State Fair Money

piggy-bankDid you exhibit at the 2016 Kansas State Fair? State Fair Money will be available to pick up AFTER Noon on Thursday, November 3, 2016. It MUST be picked up by December 30th at 5:00 p.m. This will be the last day the office is open in 2016. After that, the money will be deposited into the 4-H Council.

If you are not sure if you have money, please call our office at (316) 321-9660. You can have someone else pick the money up for you, but you must call our office or send us an email to let us know who can pick it up or have them bring a signed note from you with them!

Important News and Deadlines

Time flies

Nov. 5 —Achievement Celebration 3:00 p.m.

Nov. 10 – 4-H Council

Nov 11—Office Closed – Veteran’s Day

Nov. 13 – 4-H Night with the Wichita Thunder (see flyer in newsletter)

November 18-20—Kansas Youth Leadership(14-18 years old) and Ks. Adult Volunteer Forum

Nov 21—Annual Fair Board Meeting

Nov 24-25—Office Closed

Dec 30 – All State Fair Money must be picked up

Jan 5, 2017 – 4-H Council

2016-2017 4-H Enrollment


If you have not already done so, be sure to complete the 4-H Online Enrollment process. If you live outside of the Butler County line, be sure to complete an Out of County Request for enrollment.  Just remember as you go through the processes and have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! We are here to help!


Join the Club – Using the 4-H Online Enrollment System – New Family 1st Time Enrolling in 4-H

ReEnroll Using 4-H Online – Returning 4-H Families

Request for “Out-of-County” 4-H Enrollment/Participation

Good Bye 2016

The 2016 4-H year is nearly over. As we wind
down with the currentbarrys_-_out_with_old-657x264 and get ready to gear up for the new, I encourage you take some time to look back and reflect over the past 12 months. If you could put a mirror on the wall for 2016, what would you see?

Highs and lows, happy and sad, trial and error, and
lessons learned may well be a few images you see.

All good things eventually come to an end and bad/sad/unhappy times serve as stepping stones to help us grow as individuals/families/clubs. As you take time to think about the reflections as you look in the mirror, take some time to write them down and use them as tools for 2017 and the years beyond. Use those tools to better yourself, get involved, help improve a system, practice servant leadership, and become a solution where a solution is needed.

If you worked hard, put your best effort forward, helped others, and were involved, you should be proud of your accomplishments!  out-with-old-in-with-newWhen I look in the mirror, I see 4-H’ers who have grown and matured over the last year, leaders who gave their heart and soul to their 4-H clubs and club members, parents who worked hard to help their children, 4-H’ers, leaders, and parents having fun, events that have taught us all lessons and provided us stepping stone, and situations that encourages others to get involved.

2016 is winding down and the next newsletter will be ringing in the new 4-H year. As you finish reflecting on 2016, imagine what image you will reflect in 2017. Let’s step into 2017 with both feet forward and arms open, embracing the new year!


Record Books, Pins & Awards

It’s time Record Bookto get your record book, pin applications, club seals and scholarships on!

All KAP’s (record books), pin applications, club summaries, college scholarship applications, reporter and secretary notebooks, and special award applications are due into our office no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 23rd.
Don’t miss this deadline! All forms can be found online at http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-h/recordsawardsetc.html


If you are interested in helping judge record book, we will be judging record books on Tuesday, October 4th starting at 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP to the Extension Office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 30th if you will be able to help judge.