Butler County 4-H News

Important Dates

ScreenShot002February 19—Entries for Regional 4-H Day Due to Extension Office

March 5th – Junior Beef Producer Day at Kansas State University in Manhattan

March 11—Spring Beef Set-up 4:30pm– 6pm

March 12—Market Beef (Steers & Heifers) Weigh-In 9am—11:30am

March 12—Regional 4-H Day

March 19 – Junior Sheep Producer Day at Kansas State University in Manhattan

April 7—4-H Council

April 12th – Youth PQA Training, 4-H Building at 7:00 p.m.

April 19th – Foods Judges Workshop, 4-H Building at 7:00 p.m.

April 21 – Youth PQA Training (last opportunity), 7:00 p.m. at 4-H Building

April 29—Meat Goat and Market Sheep Tagging 4:30 pm-6:00 pm

April 30—Meat Goat and Market Sheep Tagging 8:30 am—9:30 am

May 1—Market Beef nominations due

May 1—Horse ID papers Due

May 1—Dairy ID papers Due

May 24 – Mini-Fair

May 31-June 3—Discovery Days

June 3 – 4-H Camp Counselors go to 4-H Camp

June 4-7—4-H Camp

June 8-11 –  K-State Animal Science Leadership Academy Session 1

June 11—Spring Horse Show

June 15 – Commercial Heifer, Swine, Sheep, & Meat Goat Nominations Due

June 29-July 2 –  K-State Animal Science Leadership Academy Session 2

July 16—Fair Horse Show

July 23—Fair Fashion Review

July 29-August 4—County Fair




Leader’s Lounge


Calling all Community Leader’s!

Can you believe we are almost half way through the 4-H Year! We are in the 5th month and your clubs should be going strong!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club



_____Plan to have a fun spring!

_____Check in with project leaders to ensure they are on task and holding meetings

_____Review the pin apps as soon as they come out the end of the month

_____Let everyone know that the Intermediate aged youth will use the same KAP as the Senior aged youth.

_____Make sure everyone is enrolled in 4-H. Remember May 1 is the last day to add (non-market livestock)/drop projects!

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Work on Fair projects

_____Make sure 4-H Council report is given to the club



_____4-H Discovery Days May 31 – June 3rd

_____4-H Camp June 4-7

_____4-H Camp Counselors needed for 4-H Camp (go up on June 3rd)



_____Set-up for Spring Beef Weigh-in is March 11th from 4:30pm-6:00pm .

_____Spring Beef Weigh-in is Sat. March 12th from 9am-10:30 am.

_____Regional 4-H Day will be held on March 13th at Butler Community College

_____Horse ID Papers Due May 1

_____Community Club Leader Meeting February 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the Extension Office

_____Mandatory Tagging Meeting for Your livestock project leaders that will be tagging livestock – March 24th at 7:00 p.m.


Shooting Sports Information

hunter girl (c) Melonheadz Illustrating LLC 2014 colored

Shotgun Project: A weekend shotgun course is scheduled for Saturday, April 2. Minimum age for participation is set at 12 years, but if you are less than 12, but are large enough to handle your shotgun, you can still participate by getting prior approval from the lead instructors, Bruce McCune (775-0801) or Rocky Kasper (734-9323). Pre-registration is required by Wednesday, March 30, using one of the shooting sports enrollment forms in the shooting sports flyer, available at the Extension Office or online at the Butler County Extension website, www.butler.ksu.edu.

The course will start at 9:00 am on Saturday morning, April 2, and will end around 3:00 pm. Do not show up without being pre-registered. The course is being held at Michael Murphy and Sons Sporting Clays range, 6400 SW Hunter Road. Ammunition, targets and range fees are provided. Bring your own lunch and beverage. Coolers will be provided. Bring your own shotgun if you have one. Preferred choke is improved cylinder or more open. 410’s are not suitable for beginner instruction.

If you have any questions, please call Gene Maggard at 316-742-3746 or email at gandpmaggard@gmail.com.

Happy New Year!!!

Happy new year

Happy 2016! I hope the New Year is off to a good start for each and everyone of you! I am excited to see what 2016 holds! I hope it is full of many blessings for each and everyone of you.

If you haven’t already completed your 4-H enrollment, make sure to get this done! If you want to exhibit market livestock at the Butler County Fair, you must be enrolled in that project by February 1st. We will lock the 4-H Online enrollment system down for a week at that time so we can run the enrollment reports for market animals.

VIPs are also due by February 1st. If you are a volunteer, make sure to complete the 4-H online enrollment and submit your renewal paperwork.

As we go through the year, remember, we are here to help! I say that honestly and sincerely. Do not hesitate to call or e-mail if you have questions. I look forward to seeing you at events and working with you!



4-H Camp

June 4th – 7th (counselors go up on the 3rd)

1) Rookie Campers—There will be 2 rookie camps this year during regular camp! You will have the option to attend either June 4 & 5 or June 6 & 7. Please note, a rookie camper CANNOT attend both rookie camps! Prices for rookie camp looks to stay around $100.

summer camp 3

2) Regular Campers—Be watching for registration information. There are some exciting new activities! Additionally, steps have been taken to improve safety and security as well. We are still waiting on the final prices. Increases this year were due to new activities and other changes at Rock Springs. These increases are not due to changes the Oz-Some Camp Group has made. The Kansas 4-H Foundation has came up with a scholarship of $20 per camper/counselor to help off set some of that expense for this year. At this time, it looks like camp prices are going to be around $198.

3) Counselors—Counselors are needed, males and females for rookie and regular campers! If you are in 8th grade, consider being a 4-H Camp Counselor! We need you! Great news for the Rookie Counselors – you will have the option to stay for the full camp! If you are interested but have questions, give Charlene a call. Counselor applications will be out by the end of January!

Summer camp 2

Leader’s Lounge




Wow! We are already into our third month of the new  4-H Year. I hope you are starting to settle in!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club



_____Make sure all VIP’s are turned in

_____Make sure everyone is enrolled in 4-H Online

_____Remind families they can go in and add or drop projects as needed.

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Check your club’s progress towards goal you set

_____Make sure 4-H Council report is given to the club

_____Project Leaders conducting project meetings

_____Turn in registration for County 4-H Day

_____Watch closely for 4-H Days door monitor assignments

_____Complete Club Leader Report by January 15th.



_____4-H Camp June 4th -7thc60b571210662c6c9de2a8f9d12de97c

_____4-H Discovery Days May 31st – June 3rd

_____4-H Camp Counselors needed for 4-H Camp (go up on June 3rd)



_____If you need to cancel for 4-H days, call the Extension Office by noon on Feb. 5th

_____4-H Day will be held on Feb. 13th at the Community College


Important Dates

January mkb (c) Melonheadz Illustrating LLC 2014 colored


January 14—Fair Board Meeting

January 26—4-H Day pre-entries due by 5:00 p.m.

preshus February (c) melonheadz 13 coloredfeb

February 1—Market animal enrollment DEADLINE

February 4—4-H Council

February 5—4-H Day cancellations due to Extension Office.

Feb. 13—4-H Day

March 7—Jr. Beef Producer Day in Manhattan (www.youthlivestock.ksu.edu)

March 13 – Regional 4-H Day

March 13 – Market Beef Weighing

March 19 – Junior Sheep Producer Day in Manhattan (www.youthlivestock.ksu.edu)

May 1—Market beef nominations due

May 1—All non-livestock project enrollment deadline

May 31-June 3 – Discovery Days

June 3 – 4-H Camp Counselors go to Rock Springs

June 4 – 7 – 4-H Camp

June 15th – All commercial animals and breeding females must be tagged/registered. Also, Commercial Swine, Meat Goat, Sheep and Heifer Nominations Due.

July 18—Supporter’s Picnic

July 29-August 3—County Fair

September 9 – 18 – Kansas State Fair

September 30-Oct. 2 – Kansas Junior Livestock Show

4-H Day Information


February 13th, 2016 at
Butler Community College, 901 S. Haverhill Rd., El Dorado

 1) Entries are due by 5:00 pm on January 26th.

3) Room Monitors—Each club will be responsible for room monitors. Those will be assigned as we are doing the scheduling.

4) Cancellations—We know last minute events and illnesses happen. If at all possible, please let us know by Noon on Friday the 5th if you know you will not be there. If you wake up sick that morning, please stay home and call your community leader to let them know you won’t be there!

5) Guidelines, Scorecards, Etc—Can be found online at www.butler.ksu.edu.

6) Pickle Power: A No-Prep, Drop-In Event at 4-H Days! – Solve a dilemma, eat a pickle! 4-Her’s of any age can drop-in. Be watching for times!

7) There will be FACS judging at 4-H Day!!!!

8) Regional 4-H Day will be held on March 12th. Those receiving top blues at County 4-H Day will be eligible to participate at Regional. Please note, this will be the last year for Regional 4-H Day.

Tis the Season…

…to be busy, falalalala lalalala!! I don’t know about you, but this time of year finds my mind going too many directions: planning and getting ready for the Holidays, helping with school classroom parties, children’s Christmas program, sports, and many other family activities while balancing work activities and planning for the new year 4-H activities! Since this is a very busy time of year for many, I’m going to keep this article short!

christmas line up

Don’t forget to complete the VIP process if you have not already done so, get the 4-H Online Enrollment done for volunteers and youth and also the Out of County Request for enrollment completed! Just remember as you go through the processes and have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! We are here to help! Until next month’s newsletter, I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and happy New Year!





Important News and Deadlines


Dec. 25—Office Closed

December 31—Deadline for picking up State Fair premium money.

Jan. 1—Office Closed

Jan. 7—4-H Council

Jan. 8—Senior KAP champion books due to extension office.

Jan. 12—SE Area Record Book Judging

Jan. 15—Registration Deadline for 4-H Day with the Lady Wildcats basketball game in Manhattan on Feb. 27.

Jan. 22—4-H Day pre-entries due

Feb. 1—5:00 p.m.—deadline for enrolling in livestock projects – Must be enrolled online

Feb. 13—4-H Club Day

Feb 19-20—Ambassador Training at Rock Springs

March 5 – Jr. Beef Producer Day – Manhattan

March 12—Market Beef Weigh-in

March 12 – Regional 4-H Day

March 19 – Jr. Sheep Producer Day – Manhattan

May 1—deadline for enrolling in non-livestock projects. Must be done online

May 31-June 3 – Discovery Days

June 4-7—OzSome 4-H Camp

July 30-Aug 3—Butler County Fair


Kansas State Fair Money

handfull of money clipart


If you exhibited at the 2015 Kansas State Fair, we have received the premium money for your exhibits! Premium money is now available in our office and MUST be picked up by December 31st at 5:00 p.m. This will be the last day the office is open in 2015. After that, the money will be deposited into the 4-H Council. If you are unsure if you have money that needs picked up, please call the office at (316) 321-9660.


Leader’s Lounge


____Plan a Holiday gathering or community service project for the Holiday season

____Take time to Relax

____Encourage 4-H’ers to ask their friends to attend a meeting

____Ask your 4-H parents to encourage others to get involved


____Read 4-H Forecaster for important dates.

____Review highlights from the 4-H Forecaster at your club meeting.


____Make sure all families complete the 4-H Enrollment process

____Encourage Project Leaders to start conducting project meetings.

____Start generating ideas for the 4-H Fair Theme.

____Check club boxes at Extension Office.

____Plan Holiday party

____Have a Parents meetings

____Have a NEW parents meeting-welcome, encourage and let them know what to expect.

____Out of County Request to Join forms due before 4-H Enrollment accepted

____Hand out and return VIP Renewal Forms

____Have new volunteers contact the Extension Office to get the VIP Process started


____4-H Days in February

____ CIA in February


____ Make it a Fun and Rewarding Year!


Shooting Sports

ShootingSportsLogoRifle, Pistol and Archery meetings begin again in January.
Rifle and Pistol start on Jan. 5 and Archery on Jan. 7. New basic classes will begin in all three disciplines. Registration will be from 6:30 p.m. to
7:00 p.m. and meetings will be from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Enrollment is required by completing the following PRIOR to the start of class:

1) Turning in a completed 4-H Shooting sports enrollment form to the Extension Office by Dec. 30.

2) Complete the 4-H Online enrollment and make sure you are enrolled in the respective project. You will complete the Health Participation Form as you go through the online enrollment.If you reside outside of Butler County, you will also need to fill out and submit a request for Out of County Enrollment when you turn in the shooting sports enrollment form.

All meetings are at the 4-H Building. Meetings will be held at the same time and days of the week through most of the weeks in January, February, March and April. All new participants are required to attend the first meeting in each discipline. If you have any questions please call Gene Maggard at 316-742-3746.

4-H Day

save_the_date_calendar4-H Day will be here before we know it! 4-H Day is a great time to showcase your talents, get feedback on your presentations and learn from others about projects and topics you might not know about! The event will be held on February 13th, 2016 at Butler Community College. More information on sign up and deadlines will be following in future newsletters.

If you are looking for more information on 4-H Day and the different categories, make sure to visit www.butler.ksu.edu. There is a guidelines document under 4-H & Youth, 4-H Day. Other information can be found on the State website at: http://www.kansas4-h.org/projects/personal-development/communications.html.

Some divisions available are:

Public Speaking, Demonstrations, Readings, Gavel Games, Vocal and Instrumental Solos and Ensembles, Piano, Skits, Dance, and the list goes on! Your club leader can help you pick which divisions you might want to enter! There will also be fun events during the day like Pickle Power.

Make sure to save the date!

Giving Thanks


Brian Tracy quipped “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” In light of all the darkness in the world going on right now, it’s only fitting that we are in November, the month of giving Thanks. I challenge each and everyone of you to stop for a couple minutes and reflect upon everything you are thankful for.

We are all fortunate to have wonderful people in our lives who go above and beyond to help us out; especially when we take a look at the 4-H Community. Last week I attended the funeral of a fellow 4-H Agent. Ann Religa, the Harvey County 4-H Agent was an agent when I was a child growing up in the 4-H program. While she was not my direct agent, she left a lasting impact on me. She blessed and enriched the lives of countless people who had the pleasure of crossing her path. Ann, Thank You!

Other people like 4-H volunteers, leaders, parents, a sibling and the list can go on provide support to adults and children. That support helps us grow and in time, allow us to give back to others. With the support that is given, we also need to remember to show our gratefulness in return.

At this year’s achievement celebration, we provided a package of Extra gum to all of the volunteers with the saying: “Thanks for going the EXTRA mile for Butler County 4-H” We have some pretty amazing volunteers who work hard and want nothing but the best, while looking at the big picture, and keeping everyone in mind.

Whether is a small token of appreciation or a THANK YOU, make sure and tell those important people in your life thank you for helping out, being there and supporting you. After all, practicing gratefulness shows your respect towards them and all they do to help you out!

I know I am grateful and thankful for everyone who contributes to the 4-H program To Make The Best Better. Whether it’s 4-H’ers, volunteers or the crowd in the stands, THANK YOU for supporting our program!
