Butler County 4-H News

Important News and Deadlines


Nov. 19—Annual Extension Council Meeting

November 20-22—Kansas Youth Leadership(14-18 years old) and Adult VolunteerForum

Nov 23—Annual Fair Board Mtg.

Nov 26-27—Office Closed

Dec. 25—Office Closed

December 31st—Deadline for picking up State Fair premium money.

Jan. 1—Office Closed

Jan. 15 – Registration Deadline for Citizenship in Action (for 13-18 year olds)

Feb. 1—deadline for enrolling in livestock projects.

Feb. 1 – VIP deadline

Feb. 15-16 – Citizenship in Action (Topeka)

Feb. 19 – 20 – Ambassador Training at Rock Springs

Feb. 27—4-H Day with the Lady Wildcats basketball game—Manhattan

Volunteers – VIP’s


A) Adults

Please remember, if you are an adult volunteer, you need to complete 2 items before your volunteer status will be accepted:

1.) 4-H Online Enrollment
2.) VIP Renewal Paperwork Form
Download at:  http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-/vip.html

**Both items must be completed and received.  Once that is done, they will be taken to the Butler County Extension Executive Board for approval.  The Extension Executive Board meets the first Tuesday of every month.

B) Youth/Junior Leaders

1.) 4-H Online Enrollment
2.) VIP Renewal Paperwork Form
Download at:  http://www.butler.k-state.edu/4-/vip.html
3.) Any Youth that is 16 yrs old or older must complete the Criminal Background Check and the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry forms, if they have not already done so.  If unsure if these have been completed, contact the Extension Office at


Contact your Community Club Leader, Shooting Sports Coordinator or the Extension Office to get the process started.

4-H Council

The October 4-H Council Meeting was held on Oct. 8th. At the meeting, election of the new officers took place. Election of Officers were held and the 2015-2016 meeting dates were set and can be found below.The 2015-2016 4-H Council

Officers are as follows:

President: Danielle Chilcott, HH

Vice-President: Kendall Cerney, TR

Secretary/Treasurer: Elliot Merck, RHR

Reporter: Timothy Johnson, EDB

Executive Girl: Lillie Haller, BBB

Executive Boy: Trevor Johnson, PH

Fair Board Reps: Danielle Chilcott (HH), Dalton Perez (HH)

Adult Advisers: Connie Chilcott (HH), Myron Willhite (FH)

The dates for the 2015-2016 meetings

4-H Council meetings are scheduled for the following dates in 2016:

Jan. 7th, Feb. 4th, April 7th, Sept. 1st, Oct. 6th. All 4-H Council meetings start at 7:30 with Ambassadors and other committees being held prior to the start of the other meeting.



Kansas State Fair Money

Did you exhibit at the 2015 Kansas State Fair? We have received the premium money for your exhibits! Premium money is now available in our office and MUST be picked up by December 31st at 5:00 p.m. This will be the last day the office is open in 2015. After that, the money will be deposited into the 4-H Council.

If you are not sure if you have money, please call our office at (316) 321-9660. You can have someone else pick the money up for you, but you must call our office to let us know who can pick it up or have them bring a signed note from you with them!



Toy Donation

Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is knocking on our door! I find myself asking where the year has gone! For the last several years, the Extension Office has collected toys and donated them to the Salvation Army to be given to children in the Butler County area.

We ask that each club donate a couple of toys to help out Butler County youth.images Just think of how many happy faces there could be if we could take at least 25 toys to the Salvation Army!

The deadline for turning in toys for the Salvation Army is THURSDAY, Decsitting elf melonheadz coloredember 15th at 5:00 p.m.


4-H Achievement Celebration Winners


Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 4-H Achievement Celebration! Tresa Garcia worked hard to plan and coordinate the food and the slide show presentation. The Achievement Celebration Committee put in a lot of time and effort to help prepare the food and decorate for the program. We are fortunate to have the help and support of the Honor Camp to help set-up and tear down the tables and chairs. To each and everyone who helped see the Achievement Celebration through—THANK YOU!

Congratulations to everyone who turned in Kansas Award Portfolios, Pin Applications, and Special Awards. Also a shout out to those clubs receiving club seals and our graduating seniors. The award winners are as follows:

KAP  Champions: Intermediate
Jeffrey Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Foods & Nutrition
Jeffrey Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Reading
Jeffrey Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Visual Arts
Trena Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Plant Science
Trevor Johnson – Lily Lake – Citizenship
Cally Miller – Cassoday Boosters – Beef
Cally Miller – Cassoday Boosters – Meat Goat
Jett Schmidt – Hickory Helpers – Photography

KAP  Blue Awards: Intermediate
Jared Allen – Towanda Rustlers – Woodworking
Jeffrey Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Fiber Arts
Trena Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Clothing & Textiles
Trena Garcia – Cassoday Boosters – Foods & Nutrition
Lucy Haller – Benton Busy Bees – Foods & Nutrtion
Erin Johnson – Benton Busy Bees – Rabbits
Julia Perez – Hickory Helpers – Foods & Nutrition
Austin Taylor – Lily Lake – Photography
Shelby Varner – Towanda Rustlers – Dairy Goat

KAP  Champions: Senior
Jake Allen – Towanda Rustlers – Rocketry
Danielle Chilcott – Hickory Helpers – Foods & Nutrition
Danielle Chilcott – Hickory Helpers – Leadership
Danielle Chilcott – Hickory Helpers – Swine

KAP  Blue Awards: Intermediate
Morgan Claassen – Benton Busy Bees – Beef
Erron Eisenbarth- Cassoday Boosters – Horse
2015 Special Award Winners

Service to 4-H Award & Community –  Danielle Chilcott & Erron Eisenbarth
Dr. Johnson Outstanding 4-Her  –   Danielle Chilcott
Kiwanis 4-H Junior Leader  –  Timothy Johnson
“I Dare You” Award   –  Elizabeth Johnson & Brandy Rigg
E.W. Nath Scholarship   –  Erron Eisenbarth & Sierra Tireman
BCC Scholarship  –  Amanda Becker


4-H Day

4-H Day will be here before we know it! 4-H Day is a great time to showcase your talents, get feedback on your presentations and learn from others about projects and topics you might not know about! The event will be held on February 13th, 2015 at the Butler Community College. More information on sign up and deadlines will be following in future newsletters.

If you are looking for more information on 4-H Day and the different categories, make sure to visit www.butler.ksu.edu. There is a guidelines document under 4-H & Youth, 4-H Day. Other information can be found on the State website at: http://www.kansas4-h.org/projects/personal-development/communications.html.


Some divisions available are:

Public Speaking, Demonstrations, Readings, Gavel Games, Vocal and Instrumental Solos and Ensembles, Piano, Skits, Dance, and the list goes on! Your club leader can help you pick which divisions you might want to enter! Thee will also be fun events during the day like Pickle Power.


Important News and Deadlines

Oct. 24—   Family Fun Day and 4-H Officer Training   1:30 p.m. at Palmyra Baptist Church. Check-in is at 1:00 p.m.

Oct. 30—Club Financial Audits Due

Nov. 7—Achievement Celebration 3:00 p.m.

Nov 11—Office Closed – Veteran’s Day

November 20-22—Kansas Youth Leadership(14-18 years old) and Ks. Adult Volunteer Forum

Nov 23—Annual Fair Board Meeting

Nov 26-27—Office Closed


Happy 4-H New Year

Just as Summer ends and Fall begins (although the temperatures can’t quite make up their mind), so does the old and new 4-H Year! As we wave farewell to the 2015-2016 4-H Year, if you haven’t already, take some time to reflect on the entire year, make some notes and use those to embrace the new year.

Also as we begin the New Year, I challenge the adults to remember what the basics of what 4-H is about. While competing can be fun, the foundation of 4-H is about teaching our youth life skills that they can carry with them for life and help them thrive in today’s society. We want to help them to develop into competent, capable, caring adults. As we move through the year, also keep that on the forefront of your mind in what we are teaching the youth of tomorrow.

National 4-H Week

Congratulations to every club and individual that participated in National 4-H Week one way or another. It was great to see all the clubs that participated in the window decoration contest.

Congratulations to the following clubs: Lily Lake for having the winning window. Towanda Rustlers with their second place window and El Dorado Boosters with their third place window. I want to say Thank You to the 4-H Council for continuing this idea and encouraging the 4-H Clubs to help promote 4-H in downtown businesses!

48 Hours of 4H

I am excited and proud of those who took an active part of the 48 Hours of 4H. Whether it was the weekend event you participated in or capitalized at another time during the month of October, give yourself a round of applause. The 4-H Expo was a big hit for the second year! We had 17 families come to the Expo to learn about 4-H and ask questions. Shout out to everyone that helped make this event so successful! Kudos to Lily Lake to printed the 4-H Expo Flyer and handed out to EVERY GRADE SCHOOL youth in the Augusta School District! One of the things we pledge is our “Hands to Larger Service”, Way to put that pledge to work! Great job 4-H’ers and Ambassadors!





Parliamentary Basics

Did you know that Parliamentary procedure is an orderly way to conduct a meeting, a fair way to make a group discussion, respects everyone, gives everyone a chance to speak, used in groups everywhere, and majority rules while minorities are protected..

The proper way to make a motion is to say “I move..”. The proper way to second a motion is to say “I second the motion.”

If you want to amend (change) a motion you should say “I move to amend the motion by….”

A motion to adjourn the meeting is done so by stating “I move to adjourn this meeting.” A motion to adjourn needs a second, no discussion needed, and must be voted on right away!

Did you know there are over 30 different types of motions! These are some simple ones and the majority of the ones that you will utilize in your 4-H Club meeting.

Remember, STAND UP when you are speaking and only person speaks at a time!


Basic Shotgun Course

A basic shotgun course has been scheduled for Saturday, November 14,  at Michael Murphy Sporting Clays, 6400 SW Hunter Road. Check in is from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The class starts at 9:00am, and will end at about 4:00 p.m. Bring your own lunch and drinks. Ice chests will be available for storing them. If you are not currently enrolled in  4-H, your parent will need to complete a participation form before you can participate in the course. This can be done Saturday morning at the range. Your parent must be present to sign the form. If not, you must bring the completed form with you. You cannot participate without the signed form.

Bring your own shotgun, either a 12 ga. or 20 ga. No 410-s. An improved cylinder choke is preferred. If you do not have a suitable shotgun, a limited number of shotguns can be provided. Ammunition is provided. Contact Gene Maggard at 316-742-3746 to let him know if you have your own shotgun and its gauge, or if you have any questions. Signup for this course must be completed by November 11.

Recent State Events

Congratulations to all Butler County 4-H’ers that participated in recent State events such as the Kansas State Fair, Kansas Junior Livestock Show, State Archery Match and State Shotgun Match. Butler County was very well represented at all of these events. I am proud of each and everyone of you.

Results for events can be found at the following location:

1. Kansas State Fair (not including beef,sheep, swine, and meat goats) – https://fairentry.com/Fair/Results/220

2. Kansas State Fair Grand Drive (beef, sheep, swine and meat goats) – http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/fairs/kansas-state-fair/docs/2015_Grand_Drive_Results.pdf

3. State Archery and Shotgun Match Results – http://www.kansas4-h.org/projects/agriculture-and-natural-resources/shooting-sports/match-results.html

4. Kansas Jr. Livestock Show Results – www.kjls.org – scroll down a little ways on the main page.

Leader’s Lounge

October CHECK-UP

____Celebrate the current 4-H year. Begin planning for the club achievement party.

____Hold an Officer Installation activity

____Continue recruiting new members


____4-H Forecaster read and important dates marked on calendar.

____Review highlights from the 4-H Forecaster at your club meeting.


____Project leaders notified of the specific responsibilities.

____Project Leaders conducting project meetings.

____Check club mailbox at the Extension Office.

____Have members think about projects for the new year.

____Check club’s progress toward goals.

____Remind all 4-H’ers to complete 4-H Online enrollment.

____Out of County Request to Join forms due before Online Enrollment Accepted

____Hand out and return VIP Renewal Forms (VIPs must complete the online process and the paper forms)

____Have new volunteers contact the Extension Office to get the VIP Process started


____Officer Training Oct. 24 – Registration is due Oct. 19th.

____4-H Achievement Celebration, Nov. 7


____ Make it a Fun and Rewarding Year!


Mirror, Mirror

The 2015 4-H year is nearly over. As we wind down with the current and get ready to gear up for the new, I encourage you take some time to look back and reflect over the past 12 months. If you could put a mirror on the wall for 2015, what would you see? Highs and lows, happy and sad, trial and error, and lessons learned may well be a few images you see.

All good things eventually come to an end and bad/sad/unhappy times serve as stepping stones to help us grow as individuals/families/clubs. As you take time to think about the reflections as you look in the mirror, take some time to write them down and use them as tools for 2016 and the years beyond. Use those tools to better yourself, get involved, help improve a system, practice servant leadership, and become a solution where a solution is needed.

If you worked hard, put your best effort forward, helped others, and was involved, you should be proud of your accomplishments! When I look in the mirror, I see 4-H’ers who have grown and matured over the last year, leaders who gave their heart and soul to their 4-H clubs and club members, parents who worked hard to help their children, 4-H’ers, leaders, and parents having fun, events that have taught us all lessons and provided us stepping stone, and situations that encourages others to get involved.

2015 is winding down and the next newsletter will be ringing in the new     4-H year. As you finish reflecting on 2015, imagine what image you will   reflect in 2016. Let’s step into 2016 with both feet forward and arms open, embracing the new year!
