Do mutual and retirement fund managers put their investors’ best interest above their own? Continue reading “Conflicts of Interest in Wealth Management”
Is your organization ready to create social value?
A recent study at Kansas State led to the development of the Corporate Social Entrepreneurship Scale, an instrument to help managers determine whether their organizational climate is conducive to creating social value. Continue reading “Is your organization ready to create social value?”
How Retailers Can Cope with Consumer Panic Buying
Do supply shortages or consumer panic buying occur in your industry? If so, what should you look out for and what actions should you take to lessen negative effects on your firm? Continue reading “How Retailers Can Cope with Consumer Panic Buying”
Food Marketing and Child BMI
Does food marketing directed towards children impact the child’s Body Mass Index (BMI)? New research in the forthcoming Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising investigates. Continue reading “Food Marketing and Child BMI”
Moral Reasoning for the Manager Interested in Ethics
A recent study helps to shed light on the profound meaning and implications of moral reasoning, also known as cognitive moral development. Continue reading “Moral Reasoning for the Manager Interested in Ethics”
Culture’s Consequence: The Relationship Between Earnings Management and IAS/IFRS Adoption Across Cultures
New research argues that culture has a particularly important role in earnings management post-IFRS adoption due primarily to the flexibility IFRS creates for financial statement preparers. Continue reading “Culture’s Consequence: The Relationship Between Earnings Management and IAS/IFRS Adoption Across Cultures”
Are your employees fully engaged?

A recent study from Edward Nowlin, marketing professor at Kansas State University looks at what influences employees’ job engagement, and how managers can best increase job engagement in their employees. Continue reading “Are your employees fully engaged?”
Ethical environments of CPAs – public accounting versus industry
Who perceives the ethical environment of their firm/company as stronger – CPAs employed at public accounting firms or those employed in industry? Continue reading “Ethical environments of CPAs – public accounting versus industry”
Are committees more perceptive than individuals?

Forming a committee or task force is a common response to business problems, but is that always the best course of action? Continue reading “Are committees more perceptive than individuals?”
I am self-protective, self-centered and status conscious: Can I be an effective leader?
Assistant professor of entrepreneurship Saurav Pathak takes a look at the way cultural orientations can endorse different leadership styles. Continue reading “I am self-protective, self-centered and status conscious: Can I be an effective leader?”
Small trades make a big impact

Research by Hardy Johnson, assistant professor of finance at Kansas State University, has examined the rising proportions of small trades (defined to be trades under 100 shares, or odd lot trades), their impact on markets, and their use in various trading strategies.