Kansas State University


Department of Communication Studies

International Opportunities with Communication Studies

Communication studies is excited to highlight the growing international focus of our department and the expansion of our study abroad opportunities. This past summer, both undergraduate and graduate students were able to experience intercultural communication firsthand as they traveled to Japan, France, and Spain. Dr. Soo-Hye Han and Dr. Soumia Bardhan led students on different trips where they encountered new cultures, studied regional history and politics, engaged with local people, and asked questions about the role of communication in an interconnected world.

A communication studies sophomore, Miranda Moore, also participated in a Fulbright Summer Institute in London this year. Her acceptance into this prestigious program emphasizes the varied opportunities, both local and international, that are available to COMM students. Our commitment to high impact learning experiences allows students to actively use their communication skills and put concepts into use in real world situations. We hope to continue to grow our study abroad programs and encourage all our majors to participate in them and seek out other international opportunities.

COMM Studies Sophomore Participates in Fulbright Summer Institute

img_8577Communication studies and political science sophomore Miranda Moore traveled to London this summer to take part in a Fulbright Summer Institute. She studied children’s literature at King’s College as part of the three week experience. Fulbright Summer Institutes offer undergraduates the opportunity to participate in a variety of academic courses at different universities in the United Kingdom for three to six weeks. Continue reading “COMM Studies Sophomore Participates in Fulbright Summer Institute”

COMM Students Study Abroad in Japan

This summer, six communication studies graduate and undergraduate students spent two weeks in Japan as part of their Intercultural Communication class under the guidance of Dr. Soo-Hye Han. Through this trip, students were able to learn about Japan, experience the culture first hand, and practice intercultural communication in real-world situations. Continue reading “COMM Students Study Abroad in Japan”

Intercultural Communication in France and Spain

champs-elyseesDr. Soumia Bardhan took both graduate and undergraduate communication studies students to France and Spain this summer as part of an intercultural communication seminar. This study abroad experience examined intercultural communication through the lens of French and Spanish culture and history, as well as exploring topics in art and architecture, immigration, religion, politics, and Islam in Europe. Continue reading “Intercultural Communication in France and Spain”

From the Department Head

COMM Studies faculty and GTAs
COMM Studies faculty and GTAs

Waiting in line at a local coffee shop in Aggieville, a barista can be heard asking each caffeine deprived soul whether their order is “for here or to go?”. It’s a necessary question for a person that is responsible for packaging a hot drink in an appropriate cup. Baristas know well that containers matter. In many ways, the 2015-2016 academic year for the Communication Studies Department (COMM) was an exercise in imagining, building, and nurturing the containers that allow a vibrant learning community to grow. Namely, we increased our faculty ranks to 14 full-time members, added a record number of new majors, and moved the entire department to the second and third floor of Nichols Hall. Continue reading “From the Department Head”

New Communication Studies Faculty

When we ask our graduating seniors to reflect on their communication studies major, often we hear stories about the positive impact faculty have on students’ professional and personal development. A talented and diverse faculty is fundamental to academic success, and it is a primary goal of the communication studies 2025 strategic plan. This past year we were fortunate to hire three new assistant professors whose diverse expertise and backgrounds have greatly enhanced our faculty profile.

Soumia Bardhan
Soumia BardhanAssistant Professor and Director of Global Communication Initiatives

We welcome Soumia Bardhan to the communication studies faculty. Before joining the K-State family, Dr. Bardhan taught at Penn State. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in India, and completed her Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico. Continue reading “New Communication Studies Faculty”

Outstanding Teaching in Communication Studies

Communication Studies faculty and graduate teaching assistants are committed to helping our students reach their academic and professional potential through rigorous scholarship, a firm foundation in communication theory, and experiential learning. This past year, Dr. Sarah Riforgiate and Katrina Hanna both received awards for demonstrating excellence in teaching as well as a strong commitment to individual student development.

Katrina-Hanna-2m43exeKatrina Hanna, a graduate student in Communication Studies, received the 2016 Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, or MAGS, Excellence in Teaching Award at the Master’s level. The award recognizes graduate teaching assistants who have excelled in classroom teaching and student mentorship. Hanna was nominated for the MAGS award after winning Kansas State University’s Graduate Student Council Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence by a Master’s Student. Continue reading “Outstanding Teaching in Communication Studies”

Undergraduate Research

Along with working hard in the classroom, many students in communication studies are pursuing their interests by collaborating with faculty on research projects. Two students – Aaron Cunningham and Samantha Pratt – recently completed independent research projects andpresented their findings at conferences. Their experiences spotlight the department’s emphasis on high impact learning experiences, faculty-student mentorship, and undergraduate research.

Aaron Cunningham20160323_145935
Senior, Communication Studies
Area of research: Restorative Justice

Cunningham has been working with Gregory Paul, assistant professor in communication studies, in the area of restorative justice. Continue reading “Undergraduate Research”

Communication Studies Finds a New Home Within Nichols Hall

FullSizeRender (1)The Communication Studies Department was awarded a significant amount of new space in Nichols Hall. The department main office is now located in Nichols Hall 234. The space provides offices for 15 full time employees, over 20 graduate teaching assistants, student employees, and part-time employees. This includes team suites for the debate and forensics programs. Continue reading “Communication Studies Finds a New Home Within Nichols Hall”

Lofty Aspirations: Endowing 20 New Scholarships

Kansas State Debate Team


For many students in Communication Studies, scholarships make their success at K-State possible. Last year we graduated a record number 33 undergraduate and 8 graduate students in Communication Studies.

We return to Nichols Hall for the 2014-2015 academic term to work with more than 150 majors and graduate students. Our ability to continue providing a first-class education to a diverse student body hinges on scholarship support.

Continue reading “Lofty Aspirations: Endowing 20 New Scholarships”