William Duren and Joshua Lloyd, K-State seniors in electrical engineering, have been awarded Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE, Power and Energy Society Scholarship Plus Initiative awards for the 2014-15 academic school year. They are two of 184 undergraduate students at 95 universities across the U.S. and Canada to receive the awards.
The institute’s society recognizes highly qualified electrical engineering undergraduate students with multiyear scholarships, and assists in connecting them with relevant and meaningful career experiences.
“This is an outstanding honor to have two recipients of this prestigious award from our department,” said Don Gruenbacher, professor and head of electrical and computer engineering. “I could not be more pleased that William and Joshua’s talents are being recognized in this way.”
All scholarship funds are privately raised through the institute’s foundation with gifts of cash, endowments and pledges from corporations, individuals and foundations. The institute, the world’s largest technical professional association, is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.