Kansas State University


K-State College of Education

Category: Spring 2013

BESITOS program celebrates 15th anniversary

The original BESITOS students and faculty.

The vibrant community of faculty, staff and students involved with the BESITOS program, a federally funded Title III grant, had a reunion on May 18 to observe the program’s 15 years of success. The event, in conjunction with the college’s graduation ceremony, brought together current and past graduates to celebrate their academic and professional accomplishments.

BESITOS has provided elementary and secondary education degrees and study abroad opportunities to bilingual and culturally diverse students since 1998. This unique program model has more than 170 graduates and has significantly increased the number of bilingual educators across the state of Kansas.

Pedro Espinoza, associate director of recruitment and retention for the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy, or CIMA, looked forward to this celebratory event.

“This reunion meant a lot to all former and current BESITOS students,” he said. “This was a great opportunity for everyone to meet in one place and share their success stories. For some, it was an opportunity to meet with their former cooperating teachers and advisors and thank them personally for their support during their educational journey while at Kansas State University.”

Open House was huge success

Riders enjoy the train at Open House.

Everyone who participated in this year’s All-University Open House had a great time!

Amanda Morales and Darla Stone, who serve as co-advisors for the Education Council, oversaw the college’s planning efforts for the April 20 Open House. Morales explained the college organized 13 events with five new ones: Family Train Ride; Technology Past, Present, Future; Popcorn Palooza; Experience a One-Room Schoolhouse; and Rocket Balloons.

Morales said the train ride was a huge success and that Stone already booked it for next year. She said people truly enjoyed the one-room schoolhouse and extended her deep appreciation for the faculty and students who contributed artifacts to the display.

The co-advisors credit Education Council President Lauren Wormington and Open House Chair Haley Fairbank for the event’s success.

“Lauren and Haley assumed the bulk of the responsibilities for planning and organizing Open House,” Morales said. “We had many of volunteers, and the Education Council simply did an outstanding job.”

Thanks to the Education Council, it was a day for memories.

“We had a steady flow of visitors all day,” Morales said. “Perhaps the screaming rocket balloons outside or the smell of popcorn and cotton candy served as lure. It was so fun to see the kids with purple lips walking around after eating the cotton candy.”

KELI launches mentoring program for new principals

Mary Devin at a KELI planning meeting.

The Kansas Educational Leadership Institute, or KELI, is rolling out its leadership program for new principals this fall.

KELI was founded in 2011 when six statewide organizations banded together to design a program to support the development of quality leadership in Kansas schools. KELI matches first-year school leaders with highly experienced mentors in an intensive mentoring/induction program.

Adding mentorship for principals after the successful launch of the superintendents’ program is part of the original vision for KELI.

“New principals will now have the opportunity to benefit from onsite, individual mentoring and support as they navigate their new leadership position,” said KELI Executive Director Mary Devin. “KELI seeks to develop quality leaders who are committed to continued growth. This type of leadership attracts and retains quality teachers, resulting in excellence in education across Kansas.”

Business education students compete at national convention

From left: Drew Proctor, Kylie Miller, Kyle Hammel, Samantha Shirley, Jeff Suther and Morgan Abel.

K-State’s chapter of Pi Omega Pi, the national business teacher honor society, placed second out of 21 chapters at its combined convention with the National Business Education Association, NBEA, April 16-20 in Atlanta, Ga.

The College of Education sent Darla Stone, instructor in business education, and six business education majors to this year’s convention. The students, who participated with educators from across the country to learn the latest trends in business education, were Samantha Shirley, Kylie Miller, Drew Proctor, Jeff Suther, Morgan Abel and Kyle Hammel.

Stone believes opportunities to attend a national convention such as NBEA is an important part of students’ professional development.

“I especially appreciate how my students connect as a group from an experience like this,” she said. “They form a bond that gives them a network throughout their professional lives.”

Stone and Shirley were both elected to national positions. Stone was re-elected as secretary-treasurer of the Pi Omega Pi council, and she has held various elective offices for 13 years. Shirley was elected to serve as the organization’s student representative. This prestigious position gives her the unique opportunity to be the voice for business education students nationwide.

Lecture series turns 30

Kristen Renn delivers the keynote address for the 30th Chet Peters Lecture Series.

The Chester E. Peters Lecture Series, honoring the longtime K-State administrator, celebrated its 30th anniversary this spring.

The lecture series was created in 1983 in recognition of Peters’ contributions to K-State students and to the student affairs profession. He served as vice president for student affairs and advisor to Blue Key senior honorary until his retirement in 1985.

“This student-directed initiative supports ongoing professional learning for students and faculty not only in the College of Education, but across the campus as well,” said Dean Debbie Mercer. “It also memorializes a great person who left his mark on the university.”

Christy Moran Craft, associate professor of special education, counseling and student affairs, has served as advisor for the lecture series since 2007. The series has hosted national experts on topics such as first-year college student success, crisis management in higher education and college student leadership development.

Hugheys establish scholarship for graduate students

Ken and Judy Hughey in the Holen Courtyard.

Ken and Judy Hughey, professors in the department of special education, counseling and student affairs, established a scholarship in September 2010 for graduate students in counseling because of a very special student who became a member of the family.

The Hugheys created The Riegel Family School Counseling Scholarship in honor of the Mark and Ali Riegel family. Ali Riegel completed her master’s degree in school counseling at K-State and a special bond formed between the Riegel and Hughey families during her time on campus. When her husband, a West Point graduate who was stationed at Fort Riley, returned from Afghanistan, the family moved to Chicago. The couple invited the Hugheys’ daughter, Becca, to live with them after she graduated from Loyola University Chicago.

“Mark and Ali would not accept financial reimbursement for Becca living there, so Judy proposed the idea of the Riegel family scholarship,” Ken Hughey said. “Establishing the scholarship was a way to give back to the university, a way to help students, and a way to thank Mark and Ali for what they did for our daughter and for what they continue to do for her.”

Congratulations to Susan Hagedorn, graduate student in school counseling, who is this year’s recipient of The Riegel Family School Counseling Scholarship.