The College of Education has produced “Military Life,” the second installment in its video series titled “A Walk in My Shoes.” The premiere is scheduled for 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 11 in Forum Hall.
Seven people – retired soldiers, spouses, an adult child and educators – share their perspectives on the rewards and challenges of being connected to the military. Topics include the realities of deployment for the family and the solider, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, and the social/emotional needs of military-connected children.
Last year, Sandy Risberg joined the faculty as an instructor and liaison for the Educate the Educator program. She is a military spouse, mother and educator who raised two sons while moving several times during their K-12 academic careers. Risberg was instrumental in the production of this video.
“Sandy’s insight, network of contacts and tireless commitment to bettering the lives of military-connected children have brought this issue to life in our college,” said Debbie Mercer, dean of the College of Education. “Not only can we share this video with our preservice teachers, we can share it with anyone who interacts with the military or their family members.”
Watch the trailer: