Kansas State University


K-State College of Education

Tag: documentary

College film on Underground Railroad premieres May 5

Long before the term Border War was co-opted by sports enthusiast, it defined a period in Kansas history during which abolitionists — including those in Wabaunsee County — fought for the soul of this nation. That story is being captured in a new documentary produced by the College of Education titled “Dawn of Day: Stories from the Underground Railroad.

The hourlong premiere is scheduled at 1 p.m. Thursday, May 5, in the K-State Student Union’s Forum Hall. The event is free and open to the public, and the documentary will be available on the college’s website as a resource for educators.

The film was commissioned by Debbie Mercer, dean of the college, and it is narrated by Richard Pitts, executive director of the Wonder Workshop. It also includes in-depth interviews with Michael Stubbs, a historian; Madge McDonald, a descendant of area abolitionists; and Brad Burenheide, historian and associate professor of curriculum and instruction.

Rusty Earl, college videographer, is grateful for the opportunity to tell this story.

“I cannot give enough thanks to the many people who let us into their homes and histories to tell this important story,” Earl said. “It’s difficult to imagine what would have happened to our state and nation without the heroic people who lived in this county.”

International documentary premieres on April 7

"Vale la Pena: Revolutionizing Hearts, Minds and Communities" premieres  April 7.
“Vale la Pena: Revolutionizing Hearts, Minds and Communities” premieres April 7.

The College of Education and its partners are announcing the premiere of an international documentary based on a teacher education program that will change innumerable lives.

“Vale la Pena: Revolutionizing Hearts, Minds, and Communities” will premiere April 7 at 2:30 p.m. in Forum Hall. The documentary, which translates to “Worth the Pain,” was made possible through a joint effort among the College of Education, the Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy, K-State Global Campus, the Office of International Programs and the Ecuadorian government.

Join us or watch via live stream to discover how nearly 40 voices unite to tell one unique and heartfelt story about this inspiring international partnership. Hear first-hand accounts of why these ESL teachers who are part of Ecuador’s Go Teacher program would leave behind their country, friends and families for a year in the quest to become better teachers.

For more information about Vale la Pena, watch for updates on Instagram and Twitter at #ValelaPenaKState.

Stories about first-generation college students available online

Eight first-generation college students share their stories.

The College of Education produced a documentary that struck a national chord with teachers and academic advisors who are encouraging students to attend college.

Five preservice teachers and three successful alumni share their journeys to college in “A Walk in My Shoes: First-Generation College Students.” The documentary premiered on campus on Nov. 4 to a capacity crowd as well as viewers who joined via live stream.

First Lady Michelle Obama watched the film’s trailer on Upworthy.com then blogged about her experiences as a first-generation student, which sparked more than 50,000 views.

Webpage containing each person’s story and an advice section is available so teachers, advisors and counselors can personalize the message for students.

Dean Debbie Mercer commissioned the project after learning more than one-third of the college’s undergraduate students were first-generation college students. Forty percent of K-State’s undergraduate students are first-generation college students, and 70 percent of K-State Salina undergraduate students are first generation.

First generation students subject of latest film

Join us for the documentary’s premiere on Nov. 4.

The College of Education will premiere its next documentary this fall, and the subject matter touches more than one-third of the college’s student body.

“A Walk in My Shoes: First Generation College Students” will premiere on Nov. 4, and the film covers five students and three alumni living in communities from Garden City to Kansas City. Rusty Earl, the college’s videographer, traveled to each participant’s hometown to capture their life, their journey to K-State, and their lives after graduation.

To learn more about this project, please follow the College of Education on Twitter. Stay tuned for details about when the film will be available on the college’s YouTube channel.

‘A Long Road’ documentary, lesson plans available on MEAC website


Five K-Staters share personal accounts of their experiences in this moving documentary.

The College of Education has produced a new documentary that is also a tremendous resource for classrooms across the country as it includes lesson plans aligned with the common core curriculum.

“A Long Road: 150 Years of Collective Experience from Five African-American K-State Alumni” tells the stories of these highly successful professionals who have had distinguished careers at K-State. They are: Kathleen Greene, David L. Griffin, Sr., Juanita McGowan, Charles I. Rankin and Veryl Switzer.

Tonnie Martinez, assistant professor of education, and former College of Education faculty member Albert Bimper developed the project.

“It was our team’s privilege to be selected for a Michael C. Tilford Faculty Incentive Grant,” Martinez said. “Viewer response affirms that our distinguished alumni have a relevant and inspirational message for all audiences.”

The documentary and lesson plans are free can be found on the website for the Midwest Equity Assistance Center at www.meac.org.