The school year is here, and it’s a great time to remind educators of the resources available through the College of Education.
The Midwest Equity Assistance Center, or MEAC, has a complete library filled with books and DVDs that are available free to educators in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa. For a complete list of the organization’s resources and services, visit http://meac.org.
The college produced several documentaries that are exceptional educational tools. The series “A Walk in My Shoes” offers in-depth looks at the lives of international graduate students, military life, and first-generation college students. Other films include the regional Emmy-nominated “A Long Road: 150 years of African-American Experiences at K-State,” and “Humanity Looks Good on Everyone.” A film about the Underground Railroad in Kansas will be released in the spring of 2016. All films can be found on the college’s YouTube channel.
Lisa Comer, English as a second language director at Syracuse High School in Syracuse, Kansas, said “A Long Road” was a powerful teaching resource as it promoted discussion, empathy and family pride.
“The students actually enjoyed discussing these more difficult topics because they were able to relate their own experiences they might not have been ordinarily invited to discuss openly in a school setting,” Comer said. “It allowed them to lower their affective filters and feel more comfortable in talking about real issues in their lives and what they are seeing in the news and world around them.”