Christian Maude, who recently graduated with a secondary education degree in social studies, is training to be a combat aviator for the U.S. Air Force. He and his wife, Paige, live in Enid, OK, where he is stationed at Vance Air Force Base. He is currently a Student Pilot in the 71st STURON, attached to the 33rd Flight Training Squadron (33rd FTS), 71st Flight Training Wing (71 FTW).He is flying the T-6 Texan II until February, then he will be ‘tracked’ into a more advanced trainer, either the T-38 Talon, or the T-1 Jayhawk. He will finish training in August and will be deemed an Air Force qualified Aviator. If he does well enough, he hopes to be able to start his teaching career—as a First Assignment Instructor Pilot (FAIP) at Vance.
“On the first day of Block I, we were asked what we wanted to use our teaching degree for, the assumption being what kind of school/subject we wanted to teach. I answered this question with, ‘I want to be a flight instructor.’ Of course I was met with many strange looks and maybe a little bit of judgment. I learned that semester that I loved teaching, and I loved teaching my subject (Social Studies), but I still had a dream that I wanted to achieve. Fast forward to now, I am currently actively achieving my dream of being an Air Force Aviator and have a chance to become a flight instructor.
![Christian Maude in Training](https://enewsletters.k-state.edu/educatorsupport/files/2016/01/maude2-1id9ppc-225x300.jpg)
“How does this apply to the College of Ed? I have used my degree in so many ways since starting flight school. The knowledge of how to apply different teaching concepts has helped me to be a better student, and more importantly, to help my classmates. I help my classmates build their syllabus (our training is student led), and I have been able to apply different techniques to help them learn, or to help them teach others. If I get the chance to become an instructor here at Vance, what I learned at KSU will be invaluable. I will have the knowledge to help other students (both U.S. and foreign). Since our training is student directed (every teacher’s dream) I can help them build their training so it is catered to them.”