Kansas State University


College of Education

You’re on the Home Stretch

finish-strongDon’t look now, but your calendar has shifted to April. And, if you look just a few pages beyond today, you’ll see that your first-ever year as a classroom teacher is about to wind down!

As you were reminded during your KSU education classes, you always need a strong finish, so here are some ideas on how to accomplish that:

  • Reflect! Even if you started off on the wrong foot with a student or two, make sure you don’t repeat that as the year comes to an end. Stay connected in a positive way to each of your students and their families.
  • Students will be eager for summer, just as we adults are (go ahead, admit it!); they’re just a little more obvious about it! Help them stay focused by having activities that will take them “bell to bell,” to avoid any classroom management issues.
  • Review your classroom rules. Your students are going to need reminders so all of you have a happy ending to your school year.
  • Stay ahead of grading and other paperwork, such as lesson plans; it’s easy to let up a little at the end of the year, but that will mean some very hectic last days of school for you!