School district: USD 475 – Ware Elementary
City/State: Fort Riley, KS
Class/content area taught: Kindergarten/How to be humans + every content area imaginable.
What you enjoy most about teaching: The stories that the students have to share and their incredible imaginations!
In what ways has your school/district supported you? My school has supported me in so many ways. Since I completed my student teaching internship here, I was lucky enough to have a few strong relationships already be established. The 1st grade team that I did my student teaching with helped me immensely during the first few weeks of school. They were a listening ear, helpful hand, and even stayed very late in the evenings with me. The Kindergarten team has provided support every day of the year so far. Collectively, they have a very inviting personality and have answered thousands of my questions. The administration at Ware has walked me through many of my “firsts” and been incredibly helpful.
What are some specific ways you believe KSU especially helped prepare you for your new career? During my student teaching internship, I was prepared for the workload that it would require. K-State set me up for success by having very high expectations in all of the pre-service and professional classes. Those expectations were a standard that I became accustomed to and transferred to my work in the classroom. K-State prepared me by exposing me to the classroom setting very early in my undergraduate classes, and I was familiar with the school day setting prior to entering my internship.
Suggestions/encouragement for new teachers: Self-care is so important! You can always work later, harder, and make a lesson better. Do not beat yourself up by striving for perfection. No lesson will every go as perfectly planned as you thought and that is OKAY. We are pushed so hard in our undergrad classes to write 8-page lesson plans and project possible student responses, yet in the daily classroom setting storm…sometimes things happen unexpectedly, and your flexibility is key. Remember to slow down and think of WHY you are doing what you are doing with your lesson, and have a little fun.
Other thoughts? If you walk into your room every morning knowing that you’ll have a good day, you will really surprise yourself. Your positive mindset is KEY to your sanity.