Kansas State University


College of Education

In the Classroom: AnnMarie Riley

AnnMarie Riley is set for Year 1 teaching third graders.

Name: AnnMarie Riley

Location: USD 383 Manhattan/Ogden Woodrow Wilson Elementary

Class/content area taught: Third grade

What are you most excited about with your new career? I have been wanting to be a teacher since I was little, so now my dream has come true! I am excited about building relationships with students and being in person with them. I student taught for the USD383 remote school last year which was all virtual.

What you enjoy most about teaching: I enjoy building relationships with students. I also enjoy seeing the “lightbulb” moments for students when they make connections and epiphanies.

Ways your school/district has supported you: The school district has supported me with a great New Teacher Orientation. I also have a mentor in my building that I meet with frequently. All of the other teachers and administrators are always checking on me to see if I need help. The director of elementary education, Dr. Shivers, is also meeting with the first year teachers once a month.
Her classroom mirror helps remind her students just how amazing they are.

What are some specific things you believe KSU especially helped prepare you for your new career? KSU prepared me very well with planning lessons and being knowledgeable about the KSDE standards. My professors had applicable lessons that truly translate to the classroom. Also, having experiences in the classroom starting early also helped me get comfortable in the school setting.

Suggestions/encouragement for new teachers: 1) Start planning early and over plan because some lessons might go shorter than anticipated. 2) Ask any question that you have. No one will judge you for it. 3) Ask for help because the other teachers want to help you succeed. 4) Self-Care: Take some time to take care of yourself when things get overwhelming. 5) Stay organized! 6)Build relationships with the teachers and other faculty at the school!

Bonus question, thanks to the Pandemic: COVID-19—How has the Pandemic shaped your classroom—the environment, safety precautions, etc.? How has it affected you as a new teacher? We currently have to wear masks and make sure desks are 3 feet apart. We also make sure to sanitize often. Lunch times and recess times are separated by grade level. This has affected my classroom set up because I cannot group desks together. This makes having students work in groups or discuss with the person next to them a little more difficult.

Instagram: Learn_with_Miss_Riley

The classroom is all set for lots of learning!