Kansas State University


College of Education

Review, Reflect, Revise, Restart

As you move through your first quarter of the school year, it’s time to reflect—upon all things education. You’ve not only survived your first few weeks of teaching; you’ve thrived!(Well, most of the time, anyway.)

You’re getting settled into your new role as teacher, so it’s time to look back at how your year started—and figure out how to fix some of those mistakes you made in your first week of school. (We’re speaking from experience on this one!) Are there student behavior issues you need to address? Did you get started off on the wrong foot with a student or two? Maybe a parent? And what about those lessons that didn’t go as well as you’d have liked? We’ve all been there, and we always have changes that need to be made. Now is an excellent time to regroup!

We’ve all been encouraged to reflect on our teaching, but it’s hard to find the time to do it. Here are some quick ways to help you improve in the upcoming weeks.

  • Keep a journal or a spiral notebook in an easy-to-grab place in your desk.  At the end of each school day, make a note of things that went well and others that need to be modified.
  • Mark up your lesson plans! Scribble quick notes about changes and additions you’d like to make before “next time.”
  • Determine some of the missteps you made with your students and/or parents, and decide how best to clean that slate. To use a theater student’s approach, “End scene.” Move on; start new with your students. Even your most frustrating students deserve a fresh start. Offer them that opportunity; they may surprise you.
  • Send a brief note…or an elaborate newsletter, if you’d like…home to your students’ families. You may have been too busy at the beginning of the year, but now is a great time to say hello again and point out some of your goals for the rest of the year. Be sure to thank them for their support and offer one or two ways that they can help their child make the most of the school year.