Kansas State University


College of Education

Happenings in Bluemont Hall

OK, admit it! You know you miss this old building! Well, we hope you miss the faculty as well, so we’re giving you a glimpse of what’s been going on in BH. First are some photos of the Curriculum and Instruction Department’s Big Picture Day, held March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day, which explains all the green!), followed by some Open House photos from April 1 in BH. (Next issue, we’ll share some pics from Dr. Burenheide’s History “Wax” Museum at Open House.)

Dean Mercer kicks off Big Picture Day.
Special guests provide Celtic music as faculty settle in for the meeting.
Faculty members attired in St. Patty’s Day apparel, are ready to go!
Dr. B (front left) is SO focused…I’m sure the glasses help.
Chair Dr. Todd Goodson (center) presents best costume awards (combining St. Patrick’s Day and purple), to Trina Harlow (left) and Dr. Burenheide (right).
KSU’s KNEA-SP provides a DNA activity.
What would Open House be without a trip around the train tracks? Instructor Julie Thiele and her children enjoy the journey.
Final Four practice? Nope…it’s the Physical Education program adding some hoops to Open House.
Our science faculty members Mr. Alberto (left) and Dr. Staples (right)lead a session for the event.
Birds of a feather…gather in BH!