School district: Maize USD 266
City/State: Maize, KS
Class/content area taught: 8thGrade US History
What you are most excited about with your new career: I am most excited about getting to work with kids both in and out of the classroom. It has also been exciting to get to be on my own. During student teaching, you have to kind of do lessons within what your cooperating teacher is doing, so getting to make and teach lessons within your own classroom is really cool.
What you enjoy most about teaching: I really enjoy lunch duty! I cannot recommend it enough. You lose your lunch hour, but you get to interact with students out of the classroom, which is really awesome. It can get a little stressful and wild at times, but definitely worth it.
Ways your school/district has supported you: Maize is an awesome school district. I have a mentor who has been a huge help to me. They have been there when I have questions or need to vent some things out. In addition to this we have new teacher meetings throughout the year on things other than school, like financial planning. So far they have been awesome to me.
How you believe KSU especially helped prepare you for your new career: Kansas State is really good about preparing you for the fact that you will never be fully prepared. They give you so many tools to help you be successful, but KSU lets you know that they are always there to support you because there are going to be things that you aren’t prepared for.
Specifics about your background that make teaching the perfect fit for you: I grew up around schools. My dad was a teacher and is currently a high school principal. My aunt is currently a kindergarten teacher and my sister is working towards being a teacher as well. Education as always been a part of my life and it felt natural for me as a career choice.
Suggestions/encouragement for new teachers: This may be cliché, but I would tell new teachers to embrace the grind. The first year is going to be tough. You are going to wonder why you are so tired all the time. You are going to feel like you have no life outside of school. It will be tough, but I think that you will get through. The reason I say “think” is that I haven’t made it through my first year yet. So dig in and embrace the grind.