Sidney Westervelt
Fifth-grade teacher, Washington Elementary, USD 475 Geary County Schools
- “It has been absolutely wonderful to work with the students in my classroom because of the constant diversity in my kids. … As a first-year teacher, don’t stress. All the pieces fall into place as they’re supposed to. Your job is to love kids, with some teaching along the way.”
Amanda Ellis
Music teacher, K-4 at Beeson, K-5 at Linn, Dodge City, KS
- “I have the blessing of working in a district where I get to see every class every day, which is becoming very uncommon in the state of Kansas nowadays. I have my own classroom at Beeson and really getting along with the kids there. We’re currently working on 2nd/3rd grade Fall Program and 4th/5th Winter Program. At Linn we have two classes in one room, which poses its opportunities and challenges. Team-teaching offers a unique situation where I get to see another teaching style while at the same time finding my own. At both schools I am discovering my strengths and weaknesses every day. It’s been a roller coaster ride from day one but I’m enjoying it!