Kaylie is currently teaching middle and high school band in Wichita, which she considers her dream gig. She was gracious enough to take time from a very busy schedule to share an update.
“I’m a traveling teacher, so I work at 3 different schools in th district and teach 7 ensembles total,” she said. “I also teach painting classes a couple nights a week at Paint the Towne (a local paint studio). It’s a lot work, but I’m loving life as a music teacher (sleep deprivation and all)!
“I have, of course, experienced some classic first year teacher moments–including the time a huge spider was running around my office…and I freaked out, jumped onto my rolling chair, scooted over to instrument repair station and proceeded to use an entire bottle of mouthpiece sanitizer to drown it, after which I hid it under a cup so the janitor could dispose of it (picture attached!). It’s been adventure to be sure, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!”
![Kaylie spiderJPG](https://enewsletters.k-state.edu/educatorsupport/files/2016/02/Kaylie-spiderJPG-2hmg4hp-e1455414042813-276x300.jpg)
“My students are great and it’s been so awesome getting to know them and watching them grow not only as musicians, but as people. I’m so grateful for my time at K-State and am constantly using the strategies and resources I acquired during undergrad to help me navigate the first-year teacher struggles (except for the spider–never studied how to handle that). I can’t believe how quickly my first year as a ‘real teacher’ is going by and am really excited for what the future brings!”