Name: David Tullis
Position: USD 260
City/State: Derby, KS
Class/content area taught: World and U.S. History
What you are most excited about with your new career: Getting to know the kids and making positive impacts on their lives.
What you enjoy most about teaching: Having the opportunity to connect with students from so many backgrounds.
In what ways has your school/district supported you? My school district has been great in that they have been providing all different kinds of resources. They have paired me with a mentor teacher in the building and we have periodic discussions about general teacher approaches as well as content specific material.
Ways KSU especially helped prepare you for your new career: I think K-State helped prepare me by getting me in the classroom environment as soon as they could. Another positive from K-State was observing good teachers during my entire time there as well as being placed in a student teaching environment that is very similar to my current position.
Are there specifics about your background that make teaching the perfect fit for you? I come from a family of teachers. Both of my parents are recently retired teachers who also graduated from K-State. Having them in my life as well as countless other great teachers is why I chose teaching as my career pathway.
Suggestions/encouragement for new teachers: “Look up, get up, and don’t ever give up” – Michael Irvin
Other thoughts: EMAW