Name: Justin Haun
School district: Clark County School District
City/State: Las Vegas, NV
Class/content area taught: Sixth-grade math
What are you most excited about as you begin the third year in your new career? This is my first year teaching at a middle school so I am excited about learning about my awkward and uncomfortable hormones with feet (a.k.a my students).
What do you enjoy most about teaching? Seeing students fall in love with learning is the most rewarding part of teaching for me. Every year I have students who come into my classroom making comments about how they dislike math. Being able to show them why they should love math and them believing in me is something that money just can’t buy.
In what ways has your school/district supported you? I have worked for two pretty amazing schools in Clark County School District. Both have provided me with mentors to help me out in my first years of teaching. Whenever I had questions or did not know the protocol I was able to rely on my mentor or grade-level team to guide me in the direction I needed to go.
What are some specific things you believe KSU especially helped prepare you for your new career? The education program at KSU is out-of-this-world. I am so fortunate to have earned my degree from KSU. I have learned from some of the best teachers in the education field. I feel like every class had a purpose and was meaningful, whether it be Dr. (Vicki) Sherbert’s class over creating meaningful assessments, Mrs. (Trina) Harlow’s class on integrating the arts, Mrs. (Kaylee) Myers’ class on classroom management, and most importantly all of our experiences out in the classroom. Being able to go into schools and see other teachers’ classrooms classroom. Being able to go into schools and see other teachers’ classrooms and watch how they run their day was pivotal to my success in the classroom now.
Are there specifics about your background that make teaching the perfect fit for you? Growing up I had no idea I wanted to be a teacher. I did not come from a family of teachers either. My passion for education and desire to be a teacher came from my high school agriculture teacher, Mrs. Linnebur. She was so passionate about her job and really made a difference in the lives of her students. She invested so much in me and made such a huge impact in my life that I knew I wanted to do that for others as well.