Kansas State University


English Language Program

Category: Fall 2014

BSMP Success

        Kansas State University is hosting BSMP students majoring in the STEM fields in the Colleges of  Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, and Arts & Sciences. The program consists of two academic semesters and a summer “academic training” or internship / research position.  If a student needs additional language instruction, they may have an initial semester studying English Language. The following interview is with BSMP student, Gilnei Pellegrin, who was successful in his English classes and won the Outstanding Student Award, excelled in his academic classes, and was able to get an internship with the Computer Science department here at KSU.

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ELP Social Hangout

The Social hangout started in Fall of 2013,and over the Summer of 2014 it blossomed into a weekly event that our students look forward to.  At the beginning of the summer, we only had three students and seven ELP faculty and staff.  We now have an average of 15-17 students that show up at every event.  During this time the students can make new friends, get to know their teachers and advisors and practice using English.

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ELP Pre-enrollment and Outstanding Student Awards Ceremony

Every spring and fall semester the English Language Program organizes a Pre-Enrollment Orientation event for its exit level students.  At this event representatives from different colleges help transitioning ELP students pre-enroll in academic classes for the next semester.  This event is also a great platform for outstanding students to be recognized for their hard work and dedication in the form of a certificate and some token gifts.

Below are pictures from the Spring of 2014 event.

To see more photos from the ceremony, visit our Facebook page:


South Korean Summer Institute Students Poster Session

Student poster presentation

The 24 South Korean Summer Institute students, sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology completed their unique five week Embedded Systems, Cyber Security and English technical writing courses and presented their work in a Poster Session in the Leadership Studies Building.  This was their capstone project that brings together technical writing and presentation skills, manipulation of visual elements and oral communication proficiencies.

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