The Facilities Customer Service Center has been operational for nine months. During that time, we have created approximately 16,000 work orders from service requests received from departments. One of the most common questions we get asked is, “do we have to pay for this?”
First, be assured, when it comes to issues such as reporting a light being out or any other safety concern, please call the Facilities Service Center at 532-6389 and submit a service request. Any issue that is safety related is more than likely the responsibility of Facilities to repair or maintain and represents no expense to a department.
The KSU Policy and Procedure Manual, chapter 7810.060 defines the differentiation between the maintenance and repairs that Facilities is responsible for and those that become departmental responsibility. Here is a synopsis of the types of maintenance and repairs that the Division of Facilities is responsible for:
- Maintenance Services are recurring, day-to-day, periodic, or scheduled work required to preserve or immediately restore a facility or grounds to such condition that it can be used effectively for its designed purpose. Such services include:
- Care of grounds, i.e. lawns, trees, flowers, and shrubs.
- Snow removal from streets and walks.
- Custodial services in buildings, i.e. floor care, general cleaning, emptying waste baskets, cleaning chalkboards and arranging chairs in classrooms.
- Trash removal.
- Drinking fountains.
- Plumbing services including water, storm, and sanitary sewer to drain traps.
- Utilities – electricity (to include replacement of bulbs in sidewalk lights, exterior building lights, emergency lights, etc.), gas, water and sewer to all public areas and departmental equipment.
- Routine minor repairs are also the responsibility of Facilities. These include:
- Exterior and interior building surfaces such as walls, windows, doors and existing floors.
- Campus streets and walks.
- Lighting of buildings and grounds, which includes replacement of bulbs and fixtures that are a part of the building.
- Comfort air conditioning, including maintenance and repair of existing units.
- Utilities to tables or equipment or to the basic electrical disconnect or shutoff valve that services the equipment.
- Painting of building common area interiors and exteriors on a regular maintenance schedule.
- Other minor repairs, maintenance, or building code related upgrades which do not fall into departmental or other jurisdiction.
So, the next question would be, “what constitutes a request that would be charged to a department?” Such requests include, but are not limited to, the following maintenance and repairs:
- Additional cleaning services.
- Trash removal beyond normal items, frequency, weight or amounts.
- Carpet cleaning.
- Installation of departmental equipment.
- Light fixtures not part of the building or special light bulbs.
- Painting not a part of the regular schedule.
- Carpeting in areas not currently carpeted.
- Plumbing into a drain trap.
- Air conditioning in areas not now air conditioned.
- Utilities from equipment, table, or shutoff valve.
- Other equipment or furnishings or equipment owned and/or on the departmental inventory.
Service requests can be submitted via one of the following three methods:
- Use the following link to submit a service request electronically:
- Call the Service Desk at 785-532-6389
- Email the request to
The only time that you should be asked for funding information is if the scope of the service request is beyond the normal maintenance or repair services that Facilities provides.
If you are uncertain if a service request would be a departmental responsibility, please call us at 532-6389. We will be happy to help make this determination.