By Loleta Sump
Prompted by changes to the United States Postal Service addressing guidelines, K-State adopted the current official address standard format (room number, building name) in the early 1990s. Little connection existed between the mailing address and emergency responses to campus locations. On April 1, 2015, emergency services for Riley County, city of Manhattan and K-State began utilizing a dispatch program that requires the more typical city street address format, such as 1735 Claflin Avenue. In order to be in compliance with the 911 addressing criteria, and yet retain the important room number, building name elements, K-State’s official address standard format will now include the city street address. For example:
110 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506-0110
Moving to the more specific bona fide street address format will improve the ability of emergency services such as fire, EMS and police to respond more quickly and efficiently and will strengthen student safety with the LiveSafe App. Additionally, this address format will allow K-State to become more “user” friendly by enabling visitors, family and friends to find their way on the Manhattan campus using modern tools such as Google Maps.
Implementation will be straight forward. Current supplies of letterhead and envelopes may be used through June 30, 2016. When ordering letterhead, University Printing will use the new address for your building in the return address and on business cards.