The Department of Space Management provides comprehensive facilities space planning, space allocation, and facility data information for K-State. The purpose of space management is to ensure university resources are planned, maintained, and managed in a way that contributes to the university’s missions of research, collaborative learning, and effective space utilization. Space Management is a resource for many types of building data, including drawings, floor plans, room capacity data, and space utilization information. Our mission is to maintain accurate space data and make the data available to the university community as a resource for making decisions that positively impact Kansas State University. Our Department of Space Management is currently staffed by:
- Heather Mills, Assist. Director Space Management (see feature article)
- Victoria L’Ecuyer, Administrative Specialist
- Patrick Hodgson, Engineering Technician.
- What is a Space Survey? The annual Space Survey is administered by the Office of Space Management for the purpose of updating and maintaining the University’s
Space Database. Each College or department will be asked to review their current space inventory to verify room functions, floor plan accuracy, and department space allocations. It is the responsibility of each Dean, Department head, or Administrative unit leader to ensure all their units provide the requested information.
- What is the difference between a Space Request and a Room Request? A Space Request involves requesting a change to University space allocation. It is
submitted when a current department or college determines that additional space to their current allotment is required. A Room Request is needed for reserving an available campus room or facility such as a general use classroom or All Faiths Chapel. More information about Room Requests can be found on the Division of Facilities website: