Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News


 “KUDOS!” to our Grounds crew for a job well done! Many of you may have noticed that the corridor from Wefald Hall to the main campus (along the south side of Ackert Hall) had become a safety concern, particularly at night. Students walking to and from campus had to travel a long stretch of an overgrown natural area that limited their visibility.  Rob Slattery (Utility Worker) took the lead on the clearing and cleanup of this hill area. After Rob removed the honeysuckle thicket, Bob Odle (Agricultural Technician Senior) applied a pre -emergent  weed control to limit the regrowth of unwanted plant material.  Delmar Westover (Agricultural Technician Senior) lead the mulching crew, who applied approximately 100 yards of mulch to finish off the project. The result? A cleaner, safer corridor for all of us to enjoy.