Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News

Category: April 2015

2015 Space Migration

Planning for campus space reallocation

Multiple major construction projects on the Manhattan campus will be completed in the next few years. Many questions have been raised about how the space being vacated will be reallocated, and if there will be a formal process to decide how to utilize the space. At the request of President Schulz, Facilities Campus Planning has worked with the Office of the Provost, President’s Cabinet, Deans Council and others to develop a formal, transparent proposal and decision-making process for reallocating vacated space.

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Retirement News

Mike and Lynn Salsbury Retire!

Lynn&Mike Ret

These two hearts have filled our life with happiness, for all they’ve given, for all they have done. Their selfless acts of kindness will always be remembered. They’ve worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the Division of Facilities. It is now their turn to rest, relax, and reap the benefits of their labor. They are planning to move to the country where they will enjoy gardening, working in their newly built shop, and spending time with family. Lynn and Mike will be greatly missed, yet they will always be part of the KSU Family. Best wishes to Lynn and Mike as they enter into this new chapter in their lives.

Nora Downie Retires

Nora Downie is recognized for her 35 years of faithful and dedicated service to Kansas State University.  Nora worked in various departments within the Division of Facilities culminating in the position of House Manager of the President’s residence.  Nora began her career in 1979 as a Laborer in the Facilities Construction Shop and she worked her way up through the ranks from Utility Worker to General Maintenance Repair Technician in the Zone Preventive Maintenance Shop.  Because of Nora’s excellent performance history, customer service attitude, and great attention to detail she was selected to become the House Manager for the President and family in 1994.nora

The responsibilities that come with being the House Manager of the President’s residence are immense.  The residence is not only a home to the first family of Kansas State University, it is an entertainment area and show place for numerous dignitaries and special guests of the University.  The state of readiness in which the residence must be kept is of the highest standard.

Nora performed her responsibilities of managing the household and overseeing the many functions and activities held in the residence with precision and class.  The calendar flew by from New Years to Christmas every year.  The number of events and activities conducted within the residence every year are too numerous to recount.  All the while Nora executed her duties, she never lost sight of the fact that the residence was also a home.  Nora made sure that the residence, 100 Wilson Court, presented a home environment for the President and the First Family.

During her career at K-State, Nora served as both a mentor and friend to many.  Now, after so many years of exemplary hard work, hopefully, she will be able to pursue a more leisurely lifestyle enjoying her family and friends.  Nora has been a great credit to herself, the Division of Facilities, Kansas State University, and the State of Kansas

A retiree ceremony will be held for Nora at 4 p.m. Friday, April 24, at the K-State Alumni Center.

April Birthdays

3) Robert Odle

10)  Larry Melton

12) Lolita Collado, Heath Larson

13) Wendy Schlesener

14) James Ukena

16) Ki Suh

16) Mike Schooler

18) Zunilda Dominguez

21) Jay Henning

22) Larry Huninhake

27) Colette Remsbecker

28) Larry Gliniecki

29) Art Sias

30) Charita Falley


Gypsy Snyder and Wife Welcome Twins!

Gypsy Snyder and his wife, Buffy, are happy to announce the birth of their twins Killian and Kalliope Snyder on Friday March 13th. Killian weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 20 inches. Kalliope weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and measured 19 inches.

Killian Jessie Snyder
Kalliope Rose Snyder