Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News

Category: August 2015

Family Day 2015

By Loleta Sump

Facilities Family Day was held on Friday, July 31, 2015 with a crowd of about 200 employees and their family members in attendance.  Jay Gilmore, facilities electronic control technician and event emcee, filled the air with music spanning several decades.  Balloon animals created by our very own Sun Johnson, Facilities Vet Med custodian, provided a festive ambiance to the event.  Children ran around with Batman masks, hearts, alligators, rainbows, a kitty or some other decoration painted on their faces…and even their arms…by Victoria L’Ecuyer, administrative specialist in Campus Planning.  The kids also had an opportunity to participate in a potato race, a cake walk and an egg hunt while the older “kids” played Bingo, cards or participated in a washer tournament.  And wouldn’t you know…right in the middle of the festivities, Willie the Wildcat made an appearance!  After the event, those that wanted to cool off went swimming in the natatorium.  Overall comments indicated that everyone had a good time!

The Division of Facilities extends a huge “thank you” to the following university departments that contributed to the success of the day:  Animal Science Meat Lab, K-State Athletics and Recreational Services.  Your support allowed us to show our facilities employees how much we appreciate them.

Larry McGee helping kids prepare for the potato race.
Pat Boss (left) and Jay Gilmore (right) at the DJ table.
Victoria L’Ecuyer at the face painting station.
Having fun with Willie!
Sun Johnson creating balloon animals.
Willie with the Waters crew.
Heath Larson and Brent Kolterman 1st Place winners of the washer tournament.
Terri Wyrick’s granddaughter with her hearts!
Josh Ricker and family.


Retirement News

Andy Bunel is recognized for his 20 years of service to Kansas State University. A party was held on July 30, 2015 to celebrate his service. Cake, peanuts, punch, and tea were served. Congratulations Andy!
Andy Bunel
Andy Bunel (History at KSU)
May 8, 1995 (Started)
July 31, 2015 (Last Day)
20yrs 2 months, 22 days

August Birthdays

2) Kim Lucky 12) Jason Glessner
2) Josh Webb 13) Paul Woodyard
3) Barbara McNutt 15) Rene Smalldridge
3) Greg Fief 16) Rollin Coberly
4) Steve Greinke 16) Larry McGee
4) Gayla Anderson 17) Patrick Hodgson
5) Kevin Minihan 17) Scott West
6) Wade Simnitt 23) Jim Chacon
6) Morris Olson 24) Thomas Terzi
6) Joy Knutson 25) Rob Learned
8) Nathan Sumners 25) Carol Wendland
8) Delmar Westover 26) Don Nanninga
9) Sun Johnson 26) Michael Paph
10) Dale Rivett 28) Phil Davis
10) Mike Dixon 29) David Stuhlsatz
12) Larry Rush 30) Ralph Ritchie

New Hires

Welcome to the Facilities Team!

July 20, 2015:

Doug Prockish
Douglas Prockish was hired as a Utility Worker. He is working for Joe Myers on the Grounds main campus crew.


Adam Shriner
Adam Shriner was hired as an Equipment Mechanic Senior. He is working for Jackie Toburen in Grounds Maintenance.


July 27, 2015:

Lori Hayden
Lori Hayden was hired as an Administrative Assistant. She is working for Casey Lauer.


July 28, 2015:

Tracie Bobian
Tracie Bobian was hired as a Custodial Specialist. She is working for Steve Greinke at the KDA facility.