Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News


…to MATT HENRY & KIT TEBBUTT for their work in helping to clean up Mary & Carl Ice Hall.

Matt and Kit did an excellent job of getting this mess cleaned up. I met them at the site a couple of times and they followed through with exactly what we needed done and more…as they always do. I hope you can share with them our appreciation for all they do for our college!”

 Rita Newell, Assistant to the Dean, College of Human Ecology



“The furniture removal at UFM today went off without a hitch. I know there were some communication issues with regard to this work order, but we very much appreciate that facilities pulled a crew together and made it happen. They showed up this morning and began on time. It was a bit of a challenge for them due to the unique layout of the UFM building and the narrow doorways they had to work with. However, they brainstormed, devised a plan, and got to work. They were professional, extremely efficient, and all of the work was completed in 90 minutes! We expected this job to take 4 hours given that many of the desks had to be sawed into pieces to get them through the doors and removed  from the building. All of that was managed with only one small ding in the sheet rock. Upon discovery, your crew apologized and took care of that immediately. Thank you and your staff for a job well done!”

-Valarie Coltharp, Program Associate, UFM Community Learning Ctr.



“As the Custodial Supervisor for Seaton complex, I am very proud to announce that the Seaton custodial crew got a great recognition from the Dean of Architecture, Planning & Design on Monday, August 28th. Our crew has worked hard these past 2 years trying to keep Seaton as clean as possible during the construction of the new building. It was a great honor to be recognized by all the students, faculty, and staff. I feel very proud to have the crew that I have. They are a group of hard working men and women and I’d like to say “Thank-You!” for all you have done and all your hard work. All of you should be proud of this moment. I also want to say “Thank-You” to the AP & Design faculty, staff, and Mr. De Noble.”

-Gerardo Negron, Custodial Supervisor Sr, Division of Facilities

(ABOVE: Seaton’s custodial crew pose with the students and faculty from the department of AP & Design. In no particular order: Chris Slattery, Susan Kent, Chong Aldridge, Janet Treadwell, Clinton Grubbs, Gloria Loberg, Wanda Scott, Sandy Bollin, Bill Zoeller, Lori Poeske, & Gerry Negron)



Happy Retirement!

Congratulations to these members of our Facilities Family who have reached that magical era called ‘retirement’!

CAROL WENDLAND, Mechanic’s Helper

Retired 8/1/2017.


BERNARD BREHMER, Custodial Specialist

Retired 8/1/2017


RENE SMALLDRIDGE, Custodial Specialist

Retired 9/1/2017


JACKIE TOBUREN, Manager of Grounds Maintenance

Retired 9/1/2017


We wish each of you all the best as you enter this exciting (and hopefully, relaxing) season in your lives!


Suggestion Box

The Division of Facilities encourages and welcomes positive suggestions that contribute to the improvement of our department. Possible ideas for submissions may include ways to:

  • Improve the work environment
  • Increase efficiency
  • Improve or update policies
  • Improve safety protocols
  • offer your own idea!

Great Ideas Start Here!


Is it possible to have a refrigerated foods vending machine (soups & sandwiches) in the Dykstra Breakroom?

Five Star vending is our vending machine provider and generally decides the type and location of their vending machines on campus. Most of the business they received from their refrigerated vending machine in Dykstra Hall was from our employees in the building maintenance shops. When most of that group moved up the hill, the refrigerated vending machine in Dykstra began to lose money. Eventually, Five Star removed the machine and placed it in the Annex.

Just For Fun!


…Ruth Rowlands (Key Control) gets a new look for her office in celebration of her 50th birthday. Interior Design provided by her beloved (and slightly ornery) sister, Anne Murphy (Central Mail).

Welcome to our TEAM!



Reonika Herbert was hired as a Custodial Specialist. She is working for Beverly Price.



Velder Booth was hired as a Building System Technician. He is working for Tim Brunner.



Jean Reynolds was hired as a Custodial Specialist. She is working for Stephanie Brecheisen

Recycling & K-State

by Kevin Schindlbeck, Director of Custodial, Landscape, & Recycling

Recycling at K-State was formally initiated in 1989. Recyclable materials were collected at 22 buildings on campus. At the time, the University collected newspaper, aluminum cans, computer paper and white bond paper using one pick-up truck to move the materials to a local recycling vendor.

In 1998, the KSU Recycling Advisory Committee was established. The University was loaned a baler from a local vendor and began to bale recyclable materials. This allowed for better space utilization and a more marketable end product.

By the year 2000, Students for Environmental Action proposed Game Day Recycling, which was started that same year. K-State purchased its first baler and extended recyclable materials to include plastics. The baler was replaced in 2011.

The recycling program added desk-side recycling and purchased a forklift in the 2001-2002 academic year. A side-load recycling truck was purchased in 2004.

On June 11, 2008, a tornado damaged numerous buildings at the University including the Wind Erosion Lab, which was owned by the USDA. It was given to KSU later that year. Using a grant, KSU was able to make the needed repairs to the Wind Erosion Lab, converting it to the Recycling Center on campus.

In 2009, K-State participated for the first time in RecycleMania. Over an 8-week period each spring, colleges across the United States and Canada report the amount of recycling and trash collected each week. The results are then ranked in various categories. K-State has been named the Big 12 RecycleMania Champion in 2014, 2015, and 2017.

Happy Retirement!



After working as a Custodial Specialist, Araminta was promoted to Custodial Crew Leader in October of 2007. In May of 2014, she was promoted to the position of Custodial Supervisor Senior at Vet Med until her retirement July 29th. We want to thank Araminta for her many years of service to K-State and wish her all the best!