Kansas State University


Division of Facilities News


By Heather Mills, Assistant Director Space Management

With another space migration project complete, we begin another round of trading spaces. The relocation schedule located in the chart below details the departments that were allocated space and what buildings will be affected by each move. The space migration process has allowed the university to make strategic, transparent space changes that provide long-term benefits to campus and help the university reach its long-range goals.  This is the third space migration process we have gone through on the Manhattan campus with very few proposals resulting in vacated space. As a result, we will be transitioning to a more informal process for space requests to allow more space allocations to occur throughout the year. More details on the new process coming soon!



Recently an announcement was made in K-State Today about campus Space Surveys and many people may be wondering what the purpose of this survey is and how it benefits their department or unit. The Space Management office uses a variety of tools to monitor the quantity, type, allocation, and utilization of space on campus. With all of the movement that happens throughout the year it can be difficult to track all of the changes and keep our database up to date. For that reason, we have implemented an annual Space Survey to provide current and accurate space data.

The Space Survey formally documents how the University space is used and by which department. Each college or department will be asked to review their current space inventory to verify room functions, floor plan accuracy, and department space allocations. It is the responsibility of each Dean, Department Head, or Administrative unit leader to ensure all of their units provide the requested information. The space management department greatly appreciates the participation of each department/college unit in this survey. The survey provides valuable data for space planning, master planning, facilities maintenance, and mail services. Not only does it provide accurate data for the university, it also helps secure federal research reimbursements and is used in internal/external reporting and analysis.

For more information on the Campus Space Survey, please visit the website at     http://www.k-state.edu/facilities/projects/space/survey/.

For additional information regarding space allocations or space surveys please contact the office of Campus Planning and Space Management.


Tim Brunner, Power Plant Manager, treated his team to an appreciation lunch on Thursday, May 18th. Power Plant employees enjoyed a grilled steak with all the fix’ins prepared by Mr. Brunner, himself. We all want to say THANK-YOU” to all of our Power Plant employees who work so hard to keep our campus running smoothly!

From Left to Right: Tanner Johnson, Chris Falley, Clifford Anderson, Roger Hageman, Joe Alter, Christian Grey, Garrett Heath, Mike Schooler, Larry Gliniecki, Stephen Anderson, Tim Brunner, & George LeRoux (kneeling)


KUDOS to Bill Whalen! Bill is a Custodial Specialist and works on the crew for Dickens Hall. The following note of appreciation was sent to his supervisor, Beverly Price, on Friday, May 12th.

Dear Beverly,

I wanted to let you know that Bill Whalen has been doing a wonderful job. Today, he was sweeping the main entry to make it look nice for this afternoon when we are having our Graduation Reception. I happened to notice that there was some dust under some of the extra chairs stting to the side of Room 109 and I asked him if he could pop in there and sweep it really quick. He said that he had enough time that he could mop it if there would be time for it to dry before our reception. I told him that the reception would start at 3:30. He proceeded to not only sweep but mop the entire floor and clean the windows. I greatly appreciate his willingness to take the initiative and work hard to make significant improvements in the looks of the building.

 -Bonnie Messmer, Department of Statistics



“…create name plates for custodians and put them on the outside of their custodial closet door.”

Nameplates are used by K-State to identify the official location of our employees. Because custodial closets are not offices (and therefore not the primary location of an employee), we are not able to place nameplates on their doors.



“…have a ‘bring your pet to work day’ for all facilities employees.”

Despite how much we love our furry friends, potential complications such as allergies, sanitation issues, and safety concerns would not allow us to do a pet day for Facilities employees. However! Counseling Services is hosting “Pet Away Stress” on August 23rd. See link for more details.




Congratulations to Ryan and Rebecca Swanson on the arrival of their son, Rhys Erik Swanson. Baby Erik was born on Thursday, May 11th and weighed in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces and 22 inches long!




Baby Rhys with Mom!









Baby Rhys with Dad!

Payroll Reminder…

By Human Capital Services

Employees who earn eight hours of vacation leave per pay period will not accrue vacation leave on the following dates:

  • Pay period ending May 20 — paid June 2.
  • Pay period ending June 3 — paid June 16.
  • Pay period ending June 17 — paid June 30.

Full-time employees who earn at the eight-hour rate will have earned their maximum 176 hours for fiscal year 2017 and will not begin accruing again until the beginning of fiscal year 2018 — June 18-July 1 pay period.

New or part-time employees who have not met the 176 hours will accrue for pay periods ending May 20 and June 3, but they will not accrue for pay period ending June 17 since it results in the third paycheck in the month of June.


JAZRICK BLACK was hired as a Custodial Specialist. He will be working for Stephanie Brecheisen.

MEGAN WYRICK was hired as a Custodial Specialist. She will be working for Araminta Washington.

COREY DAVIS was hired as an Equipment Mechanic Senior. He will be working for Steve Bishop.